Chapter 5

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Y/n's POV

You walked into a large room with two futon like beds in the middle. The walls were a pale grey and light pink. In the corner of the room was a small desk and a bit of furniture to chill on.

You placed out Asami's baby futon beside yours before taking her from Mitsuri and tucking her in. She relaxed into the soft quilt before falling even deeper into her sleep.

You smiled at the sight before sitting on your futon, opening the old book within your grasp. The pages were old and a brownish colour, but on each page held valid information.

Mitsuri didn't want to intrude with your business so she left to make plates of mochi for you both.

A letter fell out from the book as you opened it that had writing on it. You placed the book on the floor before reading the piece of paper, gasping in shock at who it was from.

Your Mother.

Dear Y/n,

I know I don't have much time left to live now since the village has found out that I am a pure blood witch. This book is to guide you through your stages as a witch, but first, you need to unlock your witch heritage within you.

On the first page, I wrote an incantation that is a spell to do this without any harm. You must learn how to control your witch craft abilities, if not, a lot of people will get hurt.

Remember I'm always watching, along with your ancestors. We are always with you.


You didn't realise you were crying until you felt a warm stream if tears roll down your cheeks. You sniffled before wiping them with your sleeve. You turned to the first page in the book to find the incantation in cursive writing.

You cleared your throat before reading the incantation out,
" Unlock the power from within
Even though it's hard to win,
Every witch has a power
Some can even overpower, "

You stopped reading as an excruciating pain coursed through your body and head. You clutched your head in pain as you fell to the floor, being careful not to hit Asami. It felt as if someone was bashing your head with a hammer multiple times.

After a few minutes, the pain faded as you let out a sigh of relief. You never thought the process would be that painful.

" It's about time you finally came to your senses,"

You flinched at the sudden female voice to see a tiny looking being in the air. Confused, you looked at her in shock. She had long, white hair that was in two pig tails and wore a black and red kimono. Her eyes were a ruby colour and her skin was as pale as a vampire.

" Who are you?"

She just chuckled before floating over to you with a smile,
" I'm your guide to witch craft! Surely your Mother told you that. Every witch has a sidekick to their power,"

You blinked, trying to process the information before nodding in understanding. You didn't expect to have company whilst practicing your new witch abilities.

She smiled brightly,
" My name is Misaki! "

Before you could continue the conversation, Mitsuri walked in with two plates of mochi. She smiled at you as she sat beside you, completely ignoring the fact that there was a small, fairy like creature beside you.

You then realised she couldn't see her, as if there was nothing there. You thanked Mitsuri before picking up a mochi and eating it.

" People can't see me, only you can!"

You gave her a small nod when Mitsuri wasn't looking, who was to busy eating the mochi with an excited expression. You then turned your thoughts towards Muzan and how you fell for him after a month and a few weeks.

Your heart throbbed at the thought of him being someone so terrible, even though you were warned by your mother when you were young to not be deceived by appearances and personalities. They could all be fake.

You stared at the floor, deep in thought before breaking the silence,
" What would you do if you fell for someone who have cruel intentions on the world? Yet they act different around you,"

She seemed surprised by the sudden question but hummed in thought a she continued to devour a lot of mochi. You were shocked at how much she can eat without feeling full.

She replied, her sweet smile still remaining,
" Well, you can't make someone change, no matter how good or bad they are. It's best to be there for them if they struggle to change instead of forcing them. If he puts you first, then he truly does love you,"

You mentally noted her advice before she said something that peaked your interest,
" Besides, I already have my heart set for another,"

You grinned excitedly,
" Who is it?"

She blushed heavily at the thought of him before telling you it was the serpent pillar, Obanai Iguro. You knew you had to talk to him about Mitsuri, without revealing that she liked him. If he did like her then you needed to get them together.

You looked to see the sun was slowly going down, meaning it was time for bed. You got changed in the bathroom into a thin, blue kimono that belonged to Mitsuri. You could tell it belonged to her because it revealed quite a bit around your breasts.

You just sighed heavily in response before walking out and tucking yourself in your futon. You questioned at why Mitsuri was still in her demon slayer uniform and why she wasn't going to bed.

She stated,
" It's my turn on duty tonight, I won't be back until around 2am in the morning. Will you be alright on your own?"

You nodded with a smile before lying down, bringing a sleeping Asami up close before falling asleep. Asami snuggled into your embrace at the feeling of her Mother beside her.

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