Chapter 3

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You were humming silently to yourself as you wiped down tables in the café, the reminder of you leaving spiraling through your head like a broken record. You've never felt so excited in your lifetime, it was almost to good to be true.

Your best friend, since you've been talking to each other for a month now, noticed your happiness and excited behavior. Mitsuri smiled at you,
" What's gotten you in such a good mood?"

You walked over to her before glancing at Asami, who was asleep in her arms. You grinned before replying,
" I may have gotten a boyfriend, and he's booking a vacation for us. We'll be going tomorrow,"

She squealed very loudly, which nearly woke Asami up. She couldn't hide her excited grin as she asked in excitement,
" What's his name? What's he like?"

You sat beside her with a chuckle, expecting her to be so energetic and happy,
" He's very polite, he does sometimes disappear for a while but returns in like a day or two.

His name is Muzan,"

Mitsuri's smile faded completely as her skin went pale at the mention of his name. This surprised you, noticing her fists clench in anger.

You asked,
" What's wrong?"

She gulped nervously before looking at Asami,
" For the safety of you and Asami, you must stay away from him. He's dangerous,"

Confused, You looked at her,
" What do you mean? He's the sweetest guy I've ever met,"

Before she could explain further a loud explosion was heard on the street outside the café. You and Mitsuri got up before walking outside to see what was happening.

There was a building that was set on fire. People surrounded the building in worry as they tried to calm the family down that lived there. A woman gasped in realization and tried to run in, but people stopped her.

She cried, her voice cracking in every word,

You looked at her then at the building, finding it hard to imagine a baby was in there. You looked at Asami, thinking of what it would be like if you lost her. Your whole world will fall apart, you would be heartbroken.

Not wanting to give that woman the pain she is currently facing, you ran as fast as you could through the people and into the building. You ignored Mitsuri's cries as you covered your nose with your sleeve.

You searched through the building as you felt your lungs slowly fail from consuming oxygen. The fire's heat was overwhelming as you ran upstairs, making sure not to step on fire in the process.

You heard a faint baby cry before running towards it, needing to dodge a fallen piece of wood from above in the process. You ran into a room to see a crib that was surrounded by flames. You jumped over the flames, burning your calf in the process before grabbing the baby and pulled it into your embrace.

You looked down to see the baby wasn't harmed in any way. You began to run as fast as you could out of the building, ignoring the excruciating pain in your calf. Half of the stairs had collapsed into ash, making you jump halfway.

You landed on the ground harshly as you began to couch violently, your breathing becoming unstable. You didn't notice a wood falling from the roof as it slashed your your cheek. It started from under your eye to your jawbone.

You screamed in pain as you forced yourself through the front door, your steps soon becoming uneven. You saw the woman, who was sobbing on the floor before walking over and placing the baby in her arms.

She gasped before thanking you repeatedly, hugging her little boy close. You fell on the floor, finding it hard to breathe by the second as Mitsuri ran over, almost crying. Your vision began to go blurry as you took one glance at Asami before passing out.

What you didn't know was that a certain red eyes man caused the fire to interrupt the conversation with Mitsuri.


You woke up in a hospital bed with an aching body and a throbbing headache. You felt a large plaster on your cheek as you got up, wincing in pain at the mark on your calf.

You looked around to see were you were, but you had no idea. Shinobu walked in to see you were awake, a relieved smile formed on her face. You relaxed at seeing someone you know, making sure you weren't kidnapped or anything.

She walked over to you before sitting beside you,
" How do you feel?"

" Terrible,"

She giggled in response,
" You would feel like that, your lungs nearly failed from the smoke you inhales, yet you managed to pull through,"

You sighed heavily as Mitsuri walked in the room with tears flowing down her pale and rosy cheeks. She gasped once she saw you before running over with Asami in her grasp.

She sobbed,
" I'm so glad you're alright! We thought we'd lost you!"

You ruffled her hair with a small smile before hugging her and Asami. She hugged back whilst crying happy tears, whereas Asami didn't have a clue in the world what was happening.


Muzan clenched his fists in anger at the sight of you passed out in the shadows. He didn't mean to hurt you and to see you in this state made him truly worry.

He watched as the hashira ran into the scene and ran with you in their arms. This frustrated him more now that you're in the hands of the demon slayer core.

You could easily find out who he truly is.

Heartbreak ( Muzan x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now