Chapter 4

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A few weeks later

You were fully healed but had a long scar down your face from the attack of the wood. You were still getting used to the look on your face, since you felt insecure about it.

You were currently feeding Asami her bottle full of milk before Mitsuri walked in with a letter. She smiled before handing it you, taking Asami away in the process.

You read the letter to see it was from their master, Kagaya Ubuyashiki. He wanted to meet up with you in 15 minutes. You lookedat Mitsuri with a surprised expression,
" Why does he want to meet up with me?"

She just shrugged and continued to play with Asami. You just sighed before following a craw to the location of the master. You knew his whereabouts were a secret to everyone except the hashira and most of the kakushi. Why would he trust you?.

You arrived at his estate to be welcomed by two twin girls. They both had dull eyes and white hair. They led you to a room where Kagaya waited patiently.

You noticed the purple mark on his face, blinding him completely. You felt sorry for the guy. You sat in front of him, earning a smile from Kagaya in return.

He broke the silence,
" I'm sure you're wondering why I've requested a meeting,"

" Yes, sir,"

He smiled at you,
" I've heard you had starting dating Muzan Kibutsuji before the incident without you knowing who he truly was,"

You gulped nervously before nodding, then you quickly reminded yourself he was blind so you replied with a small ' yes '. You gripped onto your pants, scared that you're going to get your heartbroken again.

He sighed heavily,
" I'm afraid that you had fell for a dangerous man. He is the ruler of all demons, flesh eating creatures that kill humans for the fun. He his also known as the demon King,"

You heart clenched at the news as you stared at the floor in shock. You began to add all the pieces together at to why he was gone for almost a month. He had demons, creatures to rule and control.

You felt tears prick your eyes as you felt the anger within rise. You were angry at yourself for letting your guard down. Your heart physically hurt at the thought of finding someone kind and caring was all a facade.

Kagaya knew you were grieving as his smile faded,
" I'm sorry to give you such terrible news. You have a daughter, correct?"

" Yes, sir,"

Your voice began to tremble at each word, which you found quite embarrassing. He asked in the politest way possible,
" May I ask who or where the Father is?"

You wiped your tears before clearing your throat,
" He left the day she was born, he pretended to be happy about the pregnancy and left when he had the chance,"

Kagaya's heart sunk at the words before nodding with a sympathetic smile,
" I think it's best that you stay with a hashira of your choice, he will search for you,"

You just nodded before requesting to stay at Mitsuri's estate, considering she was your best friend. He obliged with a nod before sending the message to her crow from his.

He looked as if he was holding back a question or information for a moment before pulling out a book from under the pillow beside him,
" I think the best way to survive this is to learn witch craft, just like your Mother did, and your grandmother,"

Your heart pounded from anxiety as you stared at the old book he had in his grasp, the memories of your childhood trauma coming into view. Adrenaline rushed through your veins as you shook your head,
" No, witch craft ended my Mother's life, it ruined mine,"

He just nodded but still gave you the book,
" I know it's difficult, but remember you have a hashira to protect you from danger. May I ask what happened?"

You hesitated before replying, your throat burned from holding back sobs,
" She was burned alive by the village, they feared her, which is why she hid the fact that she had me until I was a young woman,"

He nodded before apologizing what happened with you both. He informed,
" Muzan doesn't know that you're from a family of powerful witches, this is an advantage to the demon slayer core and yourself,"

You thought for a moment about how many lives you could save by learning something you promised yourself to get rid off forever. You thought about the safety of Asami, about how she was going to live her life and grow up.

You sighed in defeat before taking the book,
" Fine, I'll do it, for Asami and the demon slayer corps,"

A smile formed on his face as he thanked you in return. You thanked Kagaya for the information before bowing in respect and leaving.

You walked down the hallways of the estate to see Mitsuri waving at you from afar with a sleeping Asami in her other arm. You smiled softly at them both, despite the pain in your heart.

You walked over as she handed you Asami, in which you thanked her as she took the book from you. She didn't even bother to read the cover. She wrapped an arm around your shoulder in excitement,
" Isn't this exciting?! We get to have sleepovers?!"

You just chuckled at the energetic female before feeling Asami snuggle more into your grasp. You smiled at your daughter before kissing her forehead and following Mitsuri to her estate.

Before you could arrive, you realized that all your baby supplies and clothes were at your house. You told Mitsuri the problem and she just nodded in response,
" It's fine, we'll go on the way! "

20 minutes later, you arrived at your house before walking inside with Mitsuri. She awed at how beautiful yet small the house was. You gave her Asami before grabbing a bag and grabbed all the baby supplies you could grab.

Mitsuri exclaimed,
" You don't need to pack as many clothes for you, you can borrow some of mine!"

You thanked her before placing the large basket on your back and carried another bag on one arm. You walked out of the house with her before locking it and setting off once again.

Not noticing a pair of piercing red eyes watch your every move.

" So you're at the love pillar's estate from now on, that won't stop me from getting you, Y/n.

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