Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

He looked at you before asking,
" Y/n? What are you doing here?"

He had sweat dripping down in his forehead from the deadly glare Muzan was giving him. Muzan made sure to analyze all his features and appearances for his demons to successfully hunt down.

You clenched your fists in anger and sorrow, responding with a shaky voice,
" That is none of your concern,"

He tried to explain how he couldn't be a father and that he had no choice but to run away, but this only made you anger. Your blood boiled as a few objects around you began to shake slightly from your witch aura. You were slowly going to lose control from anger.

" You left me with a two day year old! Your daughter! "

Muzan placed a hand on your shoulder in a comfort manner, trying to ease the pain inside of you. You thanked him before Takashi looked at Muzan with a scoff,
" You chose him over me, huh?"

You sent him an annoyed look as you interlocked hands with Muzan,
" I'll chose him over you any day, you're a pathetic excuse for a human being, a man at that,"

You turned around with Muzan to walk away from the conversation, not wanting to see his face any longer. Seeing him reminded you of the pain he put you through and the pressure of looking after Asami. It created that pain in your heart.

Takashi was about to grab your wrist to stop you from walking away before a firm grip on his arm stopped him from doing so. Muzan gripped his arm harshly whilst his glare pierced into his soul.

" Touch her and I'll kill you,"

He gulped nervously before backing away, watching as you both disappeared into the crowd.

To make you feel better, Muzan bought you some udon to eat, knowing that food makes you feel better. You thanked him with a small smile as you found a bench to sit on. He sat beside you before wrapping an arm over your shoulder, letting you lean into his chest as you ate.

Misaki sat on your udon box, trying to tell you to calm your aura down a bit more. She feared that you would have blown the whole place up if you had gotten any angrier. It scared her.

Muzan broke the silence,
" Y/n, may I ask a question?"

You looked up at him with a nod. He found your puffed cheeks adorable when you ate. He let out a chuckle,
" What would you want to happen to Takashi after everything he's done? He's caused you so much pain, and yet he walks around knowing what he's done,"

You thought for a moment before replying,
" I want him dead. The pain and anger he's caused is to high to forgive,"

Muzan smirked at your answer before clicking his fingers. Two demons appeared from mid air, both kneeling down in respect. Muzan ordered them to hunt Takashi down, you even told them were he lived. They nodded before disappearing yet again.

You thanked Muzan before pecking his lips, earning a gag from Misaki in disgust. You thought for a moment before staring at Misaki, then back at Muzan.

" I want to tell you something, I hid it from you because I thought that you would judge me for it,"

He gave you a curious glance as you stood up and stared at the empty udon box. You focused your energy on the box, just like Misaki told you in training before the box began to levitate.

Muzan watched in slight shock at how your aura changed immediately, it was more powerful, more sinister. You stopped the spell before nervously looking at him,
" I'm a fifth - generation witch, "

He stood up before pulling you into a tight hug,
" I wouldn't judge you for anything, Y/n. You being a witch is cool in my eyes,"

You smiled brightly at him before a loud bang was heard in the sky, soon followed by multiple. You looked up to see lots of vibrant fireworks were being released.


Meanwhile with the upper moons


Daki was running around with a crying Asami in her arms as she chased Douma around the infinity castle. He decided to steal the bottle before the baby cried, this was the end result.

Gyutaro and Hantengu had their hands on their ears to block out the loud cries, whilst yelling at Douma to give the child its bottle. Kokushibo had given up with the lot a while ago, but for yours and Asami's sake, he kept going.

He punched a hole through Douma's head before grabbing the bottle and shoved it in Asami's mouth as gently as possible. Everyone sighed in relief when Asami stopped crying and began to fall asleep.

Douma pouted as he regenerated, sad that the fun had ended, if that's what he called it.


Muzan pulled you in by the waist before crashing his lips against yours. You were surprised by the sudden act before kissing back, wrapping your arms around your neck.

The fireworks exploded behind you both, looking like a piece of art. You both pulled away before smiling at each other. He moved a strand of your hair out of the way before kissing your forehead.

" What have I done to deserve you, Y/n?"

Heartbreak ( Muzan x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now