Chapter 16

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Y/n's POV

5 - 6 months later

Your bump was visible and easily shown through your kimono. You had found out, thanks to Misaki, you were having a baby boy. You still couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen.

Muzan walked over before kissing your forehead as he passed Asami over to you,
" I'm going to pay Ubuyashiki a little visit,"

You nodded your head, ignoring the worry and guilt forming within as you placed Asami in her play area in the corner of the room. You knew this would happen eventually. A final battle.

You hugged Muzan tightly, afraid of the fact that you had to let him go at some point in time. You whispered,
" Please be safe,"

He chuckled before pecking your lips and placing a hand on the swollen pregnancy bump, the warmth of his hand sending shovers down your spine,
" I'll be back, for us, Asami and the baby. I promise,"

He kissed you one last time with passion before he was teleported by Nakime to the Ubuyashiki estate. A single tear dropped from your eye as you held your bump.

Kokushibo walked in with his usual calm expression,
" The demon slayers have found the Infinity Castle and are on there way, I suggest you hide somewhere,"

You thought for a moment before shaking your head,
" No, I want to face them, they have to know the truth,"

He sighed heavily before clicking his fingers. Douma appeared behind you as he quickly cuffed you to the ground, the chains being made witch proof.

You gasped in shock to see Asami had drank her milk, that must have been filled with a sedative to put her into a deep sleep.

" Kokushibo, what are you doing?!"

He looked at you with a small sympathetic gaze as he responded,
" I'm sorry, but my orders were to keep you and your children safe, this is the only way,"

He and Douma then left, leaving you a sobbing mess on the floor. You promised to yourself years ago that you wouldn't cry, but your heart was to cracked not to do so.

You glanced at your bump, knowing that the baby boy was feeling your pain. So you decided to stop grieving and calm yourself down.

You heard muffled shouts and screams in the distance, knowing that the demon slayers have arrived and began to battle. You tried and tried to break the chains, but it was no use. The sound of chains rattling caught the attention of a certain mist hashira.

Muichiro opened the shoji doors to see you trying to break free with a sleeping child beside you. He had no idea who you were but you had a feeling he had seen you somewhere. He then realized that you were friends with the master.

He sliced the chains with his katana, earning a thank you from him before picking up Asami. He glanced at your pregnancy bump before narrowing his eyes at the sight. He was suspicious of who the father was since he remembered for once that you weren't pregnant before.

He shrugged it off before heading towards Kokushibo's place without knowing. You sighed in relief as you walked out of the room. There were different battles in different places.

You were about to go to Kokushibo when a voice stopped you from doing so,
" Finally, We've found you, witch!"

You turned to see the two witch hunters that attacked you that night, but for some reason a flame of confidence lit up within you. You weren't afraid of them anymore, all you just wanted was a peaceful life and to live with your family.

But not everyone can have what they want.

You placed Asami down, ordering Misaki to protect her before you glared at them both. The woman glanced at your bump before chuckling,
" I see you've been busy, there's never a dull moment with you, is there?"

You rolled your eyes at her statement before watching Misaki change appearance. Two horns appeared on her head as her eyes and outfit turned into a different colour.

She smiled at you,
" You're ready! "

You nodded in response, feeling more confident in your fighting skills. You had to avoid being stabbed again, otherwise you would lose your unborn child, and that's the last thing you want to happen.

The woman launched at you, ready to weaken you yet again, but it didn't work. Her eyes widened when you punched her in the face, causing her nose to bleed. You kicked her in the stomach, the force sending her to fall to her death.

The man glared at you, and the next thing he knew, you were behind him. He gasped at the sharp pain that formed in his shoulder, realizing you stole his dagger and stabbed him with it. You then kicked him again, sending him off the edge of the room, were there is a large ditch. He also, fell to his death.

Misaki cheered in happiness before a giant explosion occurred not to far away. It caused the ground to shake, making you lose your balance and fall. Luckily, your bump didn't hit the floor.

You grabbed Asami before carrying her small form bridal style towards the explosion. Your eyes widened once you saw Muzan, but he looked different. He had long, white hair and had sharp like tentacles emerging from his back. His eyes were still the same but showed a lot of his muscles.

He saw you before taking you in his arms instantly and jumping into the human world. You watched as all the Hashira, excluding Shinobu, appeared around him with their swords drawn.

Mitsuri yelled at you in worry as she sent daggers towards the demon. Muzan just tightened his grip around you, not wanting you to get harmed in anyway.

You noticed how his aura was weaker than before, making you worry. You sensed something different other than blood flowing through his veins. It was poison.

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