Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV

A few weeks later

You had fully recovered from the attack, the only thing that was left was a large scar that went across your abdomen.

You trained and trained until you could no longer walk, trying to prepare for another encounter from the witch hunters. If they lay a hand on your daughter, you'll kill them yourself.

Ever since the attack, your upper moon friends have been very overprotective over you. Whenever you have to go out, Daki always comes with you, considering she was the one who looked more human. Douma could also come but he was always busy with his cult.

For the past few days, you have been researching through library books about witch hunters since your parents never had the chance to tell you about them.

You found out they had a weakness. Black crystals.

When you told Muzan this, he went out and bought you a black crystal necklace in order to protect you. You thanked him before pecking his lips and putting it on.

The next day, you walked into the main room of the Infinity castle to see all the upper moons in one room. You thought for a moment before realizing Daki and Gyutaro were no where to be seen.

You gulped nervously before asking,
" Where's Daki and Gyutaro?"

Akaza responded,
" They've been slayed,"

Your heart clenched at the news as tears formed in the corner of your eyes. You felt as if an invisible heart at stabbed you through the heart. The most painful part was the fact that you didn't even get to say goodbye.

Asami was playing with Kokushibo's hair a few feet away as her eyes perked up at the mention of Daki and Gyutaro,
" Dyaki? Gytaru?"

You smiled at her cute attempt of saying her name, but it soon faded at the thought of her finding out. Asami loved them and always played with them in her spare time. They were like her older siblings.

All the upper moons suddenly bowed as they talked to Muzan from quite a distance. You couldn't hear him since you weren't a demon, but you knew he was busy in his office.

In the end, Muzan sent Hantengu and Gyokko to the sword-smith village, which they've been trying to track down for centuries. Nakime teleported them there as the meeting soon ended, along with Douma and Kokushibo.

You were left alone with Asami in your grasp, who was snuggling her pink bunny against your shoulder. You felt two arms wrap around your waist from behind as a familiar tall figure pulled you inwards.

You could sense his touch, knowing that it was him because he touch always marked your skin, constantly reminding you of his warmth and affection.

You leant against Muzan's back as Asami's eyes widened in excitement at him,
" Dwaddy! You came back from work!"

Your eyes widened in surprise at her sudden assumption to see that Muzan was also slightly surprised. He just smiled in response before pecking the little girl's forehead.

You checked the time to see it was past Asami's bedtime. Nakime teleported you to her room before tucking her in with a bottle of milk and her teddy. After a few minutes, she fell asleep before you were teleported back to Muzan.

You pecked his lips as you both sat beside each other with your legs dangling over a far drop. He had your hand in his with your head on his shoulder in a comfortable silence.

You asked,
" Muzan, can I ask a question? Please don't get mad when I do,"

He looked down at you before nodding with a hum, telling you it was a promise.

You looked down at your legs before your hands began to shake from sorrow at the thought. He cupped your hands with his to stop you from doing so, his hands were incredibly warm compared to yours.

" What happens if the demon slayers win and you die? What happens to us, to Asami?"

His eyes widened slightly at the question before you were pulled into his grasp, your head reached his chest,
" I don't know, but I will win, for us, for both of us, and Asami. I won't let that heart break of yours again,"

You nodded in response as tears pricked your eyes before wrapping your arms around him in a tight manner. He hugged back instantly, you were afraid of being left heartbroken again. You were afraid of losing the ones you loved.

Heartbreak ( Muzan x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now