Chapter 2

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One month later, You were wiping the tables down, ready to close the café for the night. You heard the door open to see someone you'd never expect to see.


You walked over to him with a relieved expression as you pulled him into a hug, being careful of Asami in your sling. He chuckled before hugging back,
" I see you've been missing me,"

You blushed slightly in embarrassment,
" I've been worried sick, you haven't come in the past month,"

He apologized with that small smile of his, claiming that he had been busy whilst he was away. You didn't ask what he had been up to but you guessed it was important. He glanced at Asami to see her eye colour,
" Her eye colour is beautiful, unique even,"

You nodded in agreement as you watched him hold her. Seeing the sight of a good friend hold her created a sensation of happiness within your heart, especially when he was a male. You didn't know whether you looked at him as a friend or something more.

Asami showed a small smile as she saw Muzan above her, almost as if she was recognizing him from before.

Muzan asked,
" May I walk you home? It's not safe out at night, you know,"

You nodded before walking out with him, locking the café door behind you. The only thing that lit up the streets was the street lights, the rest was a dark abyss. The night had always creeped you out for some unknown reason.

You saw a group of drunk men acting tipsy, making you step closer to Muzan without noticing. You held onto his arm, which were carrying a sleeping Asami. Muzan smiled, almost smirked at the sight, loving that you relied on him for protection.

A few minutes later, you arrived at your house, which was a small Japanese cottage at the edge of the town. You opened the door before letting him in before closing the door behind you. You turned on the lights to see a perfectly cleaned house.

You took Asami before walking upstairs to her room and changing her clothes into pajamas, being careful not to wake her in the process. You picked her up before tucking her in her baby futon, watching as she fell straight back to sleep.

You sighed in relief before walking downstairs to see Muzan making a cup of tea for you both. You thanked him as he gave it you, the warmth of the cup melting the coldness of your hands.

You had to admit, you loved having some company in the household, instead of just you and Asami. It felt comforting that there were not just only you two here.

Muzan exclaimed, bringing the cup of tea to his lips,
" Tell me about yourself, Y/n,"

You raised your eyebrow at his question before chuckling and sipping your tea, the warmness of the liquid filling your senses,
" Well, I may not show it, but I dream that one day I can go on a holiday that I can't afford with some friends and Asami,"

He leant against the kitchen counter, interested in this dream,
" You want to have a break, don't you? But you just can't find yourself to do so,"

He could read you like a book and it surprised you. Takashi could never understand what you were feeling, which was a reason why you both were torn about. You felt as if you were being connected somehow.

You nodded,
" You're right, "

He placed the cup of tea on the side before holding your cold hands in his. He thought for a moment before informing,
" How about in a few days, I take you on a vacation. I have friends that have the money and will gladly lend some to me. It can be just you, me and Asami and we'll have the best time of out lives,"

For the first time, a sense of hope bubbled within you as you thought about what he was saying. You felt bad for putting the pressure and money on him, but it looked as if he didn't care. A small blush formed on your cheeks at the warmth of his hands overwhelming your own.

You slowly nodded,
" Are you sure you can afford this? I don't want you wasting your time on me,"

He chuckled in response before cupping your cheek with one hand,
" Every time I spend with you is the moments I cherish, I'm sure,"

You hugged him tightly by wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face into his chest. He was taller than you and it made you seem small. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and snuggling his face into the crook of your neck.

He could hear your heartbeat increase a bit from his action as your cheeks felt warm. You both pulled away as he stared into your eyes. It may be hidden but there was small traces of love and admiration in them.

He leaned in before you knew it, he placed his lips on yours. At first it was gentle since he didn't know how you would react, the warmth of his lips sent a jolt of warmth through your body.

You kissed back as you both kissed with passion and love. This was the best feeling you've ever felt, even before Takashi.

You couldn't believe that you were so clueless that you didn't see what you had with Takashi wasn't true love. Whereas with Muzan, you felt as if your life was complete.

You both pulled away as you smiled at him, his hand still caressing your cheek. He noticed the redness on your cheeks and chuckled before pecking your temple.

He stated,
" Be ready in two days, I'll be here waiting for you both after work,"

You nodded before thanking him. You gave him one last kiss before you watched him walk out of the door. You silently cheered that you were going to have a break as you walked upstairs.

You got changed into your nightgown before going to sleep in your futon, excited for the trip he told you you'd have in two days.

Heartbreak ( Muzan x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now