Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV

A few days later, you were currently in the back garden of Mitsuri's estate practicing your witch craft. Amane and Kagaya offered to babysit Asami for you, since they had hope that you will bring an end to Muzan.

Misaki floated a few feet away from you with a grin,
" You need to focus your energy and control it, this will make your spells more efficient and accurate,"

You nodded before closing your eyes to concentrate on you and your surroundings. It was faint, but there was a feeling of adrenaline within you that was begging to be released. It felt like an energy booster within you.

You tried your best to concentrate before the candle in your grasp lit up on it's own. You cheered happily, finally feeling like you've achieved something as Misaki gave you a small high five.

Every day, you've been training until you get a throbbing head ache. Amane loves to babysit Asami and says that Kiriya and her daughters love her company too.

A few days later, you were staring at a boulder that was taller than you. Apparently, you had enough power to break the boulder into pieces, which you didn't believe a single bit.

You stared at the boulder in awe,
" There is no way I can break that, it's massive!"

Misaki giggled before shaking her head, sitting crossed legged in mid air,
" You're more powerful than you know, just remember your training,"

You began to memorise and recall all your training sessions as you focused on the boulder in front of you. You focused your energy as strong as you could before hearing the boulder break into pieces.

You and Misaki cheered together as she grinned,
" You're finally ready to learn powerful witch craft,"


Three months later,

You have become a powerful witch, according to Misaki and you can hurt any demon just by transferring your energy to them. A witches energy is only made for them, which is why it's so affective against demons.

Asami has grown slightly and is always opening her heterochromic eyes. In fact, she turns 1 in a few months time. You haven't seem or met Muzan since he visited you in the middle of the night. You couldn't tell if you were relieved or disappointed.

You still haven't figured out your feelings towards Muzan, it was a love - hate relationship. Even after Takashi, you couldn't help but fall for Muzan.

You were sitting in the garden with Asami in your grasp, who was smiling cutely as she played with your hair. Mitsuri was beside you, eating plates of mochi and dango.

You asked, trying to get a conversation going,
" How are you and Obanai going?"

She blushed heavily at the mention of the serpent pillar, which confirmed your suspicions between them both. Whenever they talk to each other it's awkward, and Mitsuri is always blushing more than she usually does.

She cleared her throat,
" We're fine, I don't know if he likes me back yet. It's funny since I'm the love hashira,"

You chuckled before telling her to follow her heart, which she thanked you for. Mitsuri had a quick play with Asami as you ate some mochi. You still thought about Muzan and what you feel towards him.

You recalled your heart rate slowly getting faster and a pit forming in your stomach. Your eyes widened in realisation. You liked Muzan in a romantic way.



You were sat in your room in silence as you flicked through the book in curiosity. A certain spell caught your attention, a gut feeling emerged that you had to do it.

' The ' Sight of the future ' spell '

Misaki read your facial expression as she began to panic,
" That spell is dangerous! If you do it then there's a chance of blindness, death, mental insanity and amnesia!"

You looked at her with a pleading look,
" What if I could change the future somehow if I knew what was going to happen? How will we know if we have happy endings?"

She stayed silent for a moment before sighing in defeat and sat on your shoulder. You smiled at her before muttering the spell, focusing on your energy and aura. You felt a feeling of power hit you as your eyes turned pure black.

You began to have flashbacks that were to overwhelming to focus on, but you did your best.

You saw Muzan with long white hair and red like tentacles emerging from his back.

You saw a boy with burgundy hair become a demon whilst protecting a girl with long black hair.

You saw a modern version of Tokyo with people who looked exactly like some of the hashira walking around with smiles on their face.

You saw flashes of some of the hashira's lifeless bodies, blood surrounding them and covering them like paint.

You gasped heavily as you came out of the trance you just witnessed. You heart was beating rapidly as sweat dripped down your forehead. Your breathing was uneven before your body felt a wave of exhaustion.

It took a few minutes to catch your breath as a smile formed on your face,
" We're going to win,"

" But at a great sacrifice,"


The next day, you were requested for a meeting with Kagaya. So, you strapped Asami into her sling around your upper body before setting off a few hours early, considering itbwas quite a walk.

You soon reached his estate before walking in and sitting in front of him. You noticed how his burn mark had become bigger since you last saw him, concerning you greatly.

He smiled at you,
" You came, how's your witch craft going?"

" It's going great, I'm more powerful than I was now, in fact I have some news,0

" Please continue,"

You paused for a moment before inhaling deeply, trying to ease your nerves,
" I saw the future from a spell, and we will defeat Muzan Kibutsuji,"

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