Chapter 13

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A few weeks later

Y/n's POV

Asami had turned one a few days ago and has began to walk. She would steal things whilst running away and laughing, which was mainly Daki's make up.

Takashi had successfully been eliminated by demons, much to your relief. You were currently braiding Asami's long, black hair into two pigtails.

Muzan walked into the room, earning a bright smile from Asami. She ran up to him with her arms out wide with an adorable grin on her face. Muzan smiled before picking her up and placing her on his hip.

You stood up before kissing his cheek,
" You wouldn't mind me nipping to the shop to get some food and supplies would you?"

He shook his head, ignoring Asami as she played with his hat. You asked Nakime to teleport you to the nearest town, in which she obliged after a few seconds. You arrived in the outside town centre before walking in and buying stuff.

After buying what you need, you were about to ask Nakime to bring you back before you was shoved and pushed into a tree. Your back hit the bark, forcing the air out of your lungs as you collapsed onto the ground.

You looked up to see a man and a woman. The man wore a dark haori and oversized pants and the woman had dark, black hair and wore a red kimono.

You slowly stood up, ignoring the ache in your back from the impact,
" What the hell's your problem?"

The man glared at you as he unsheathed an iron dagger. Your eyes widened at the material before glaring at him, he smirked at your reaction,
" You're a witch, that's the problem. Us witch hunters don't give up until our prey is dead,"

Witches may be powerful, but with power comes weakness. Witches are killed by iron, it burns and cuts their skin like a piece of cake. It doesn't allow their healing spells to work on themselves, making them vulnerable.

You back up against the tree, the iron blade making your body shiver from fear. Before you could run away you felt an immense pain in your stomach, causing you to scream in agony. The iron blade had impaled your abdomen, his movements to fast to react to.

You fell to the floor in pain as blood surrounded you and stained your clothes. You felt like your skin was on fire. You stared at your hand that was clutching the wound, seeing it was covered in blood.

Before they could hurt you anymore, you whispered, loud enough for them to hear,
" Nakime, I'm ready,"

The sound of a Biwa was heard as you were teleported out of their view. You landed in the middle of the Infinity Castle with a thud, letting out a wince from landing on your wound.

The upper moons smelt human blood from afar, causing them to rush towards it as fast as possible. Not because they were hungry, but because they were worried.

You felt your vision begin to blur, the sound of Misaki trying to heal you whilst crying echoed throughout your surroundings. The last thing you saw was Muzan running towards you with a worried expression.


" There is no sign of her successfully healing, master,"

Kokushibo exclaimed as he stared at your bandaged body. You were led on your futon with Asami snuggled close to you. She missed your presence and wondered why you were asleep so long. Muzan told her that you were having a really good dream and it will take a while for it to finish in order to comfort her.

Even though it wasn't noticeable, Muzan was worried. He blamed himself for not being there for you when it happened. Another thing that was killing him inside was the fact that you weren't awake to tell him who did this to you, stopping him from killing them.

He clenched his fists in frustration at the news before noticing your eyes slowly opening. He sat beside you, realizing Asami had fallen asleep against your body.

" M..Muzan?"

He moved a strand of hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear,
" I'm here, Y/n, I'm not leaving you,"

You sent him a small smile before slowly sitting up, making sure not to wake up Asami. Muzan flinched at the sudden action, concerned for your wound re - opening. You snuggled against Muzan, his warmth making the pain fade.

You were lead in between his legs whilst leaning on him. He had his arms wrapped around you like a teddy bear, making sure you feel comfortable.

" Y/n, what happened?"

You replied, your voice was barely a whisper,
" Witch hunters, they found me, Takashi must have sent them before he past,"

His grip on you tightened, but not enough to harm you. You could sense his anger before interlocking his hand with yours, giving it a firm squeeze. He relaxed under your touch as he kissed your temple.

He exclaimed,
" You need to rest, go back to sleep. I'm always going to be here,"

You nodded before losing the last bit of energy you had to kiss his cheek. You leant into his chest, using it as a pillow before falling asleep instantly.

Muzan looked at Kokushibo,
" Tell the upper moons that these witch hunters are to be disposed off immediately,"

He bowed in respect,
" Yes master,"

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