Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV

You woke up in the middle of the night to hear Asami crying, which you had gotten used to by now. You sighed before sitting up and picking her up, placing her in your arms and fed her bottle to her.

Her cries stopped as she slowly drank herself to sleep. You glanced at Mitsuri's futon to see she had still not returned from her shift for the night.

" It's been a while, hasn't it, Y/n?"

You flinched at the sudden voice to see Muzan stood in the corner of the room. It looks as if his eyes were glowing in the shadows. He didn't wear his hat, which revealed all of his long, black hair.

He stepped out of the shadows before leaning against the wall. Misaki woke up from all the voices, who was asleep on your pillow to see the commotion. She gasped at who it was before sitting on your shoulder.

You avoided eye contact with him as you began to rock Asami to sleep, trying to ignore his presence. The fact that he lied to you made your heart ache, but somehow, you didn't blame him. You can't just tell someone that you're the ruler of all demons.

What pained you the most was the amount of people he's most likely killed. The amount of pain he's conflicted amongst innocent people was unforgivable.

He sighed heavily, breaking the silence between you both,
" You can't ignore me forever, Y/n,"

You glared at him,
" Yes I can, "

He chuckled in response to your glare as Misaki stuck her tongue out at him with a slight glare. You held in your laugh at her action, finding it amusing that Muzan has no clue she's there.

He stepped forward, causing you to shuffle backwards whilst tightening your grip on Asami in a protective manner. He just sighed heavily at your action before kneeling down to your height.

He gripped onto your chin, forcing you to look at him. You have never felt so vulnerable and weak in your life. He exclaimed,
" I had to intent of hurting you, you're the first human to ever reach my heart,"

He cupped your cheek as he stroked the scar that formed on your face with his thumb. You wanted to punch him for touching your face, but another part of you enjoyed his touch. Even if he was a horrible man, he still managed to break through the imaginary barrier within your heart.

His words somehow pulled a heart string as you narrowed your eyes at him, trying to decipher whether he was lying or not. Your eyes widened slightly in realisation.

He wasn't lying.

He glanced down at Asami before smiling at her. He stroked her head before giving her a peck on the forehead. You just glared at his every move like a hawk with their prey.

He looked at you once more, his gaze sending shivers down your spine. He leaned closer with your face centimetres away from his. You thought he was about to kiss you, but he didn't.

Instead, he grabbed each side of kimono you wore, were it splits to reveal most of your breasts, before pulling them together to cover your skin.

" You really should stop wearing the love hashira's clothes, if you do then men would want you to be theirs. That's never going to happen,"

You both heard the front door open, meaning Mitsuri was back. He frowned at the intrusion,
" I'll be back,"

He then vanished without a trace, making no noise whatsoever. You placed Asami back in her futon before lying down and pretended to be asleep.

Mitsuri walked in to see you both asleep, she just smiled before changing into a thin kimono to sleep in. She led in her futon before falling alseep instantly, the exhaustion catching up to her.

Misaki was just sat there with dotted eyes, wondering what on earth just happened.


" I will make you mine, Y/n, whether it's the last thing I do,"

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