Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

You looked over towards the intimidating voice to see Muzan glaring at the upper moons in a protective and irritated manner. You looked to see all the upper moons were bowing in respect.

Muzan walked over before pulling you gently towards him.

He asked,
" They weren't bothering you, were they?"

You shook your head with a small smile, not fazed by his intimidation,
" They weren't bothering me, in fact, they're quite fun to hang out with. In a strange way,"

He just nodded before glancing at Asami, who was smiling and leaning over to Muzan, wanting to be in his hold. Muzan obliged and held her as she played with his white hat by chewing on it.

The upper moons were surprised by how gentle he was with you and the baby, almost kind. That was always hard to picture on their master, and the fact that he's changes towards you was a shocker. Especially when you were a human.

You chuckled before Muzan sighed heavily,
" Y/n, come with me please, you can hang around with your friends later,"

He had a slight disgust tone when he emphasized' friends', confusing you. You nodded before Nakime teleported you both to his office.

He had a large table in the room with a different variety of science beakers on them, having strange liquid inside. He was definitely experimenting with stuff, this made you curious. You glanced at the opened book, which had a picture of the blue spider lily on.

Muzan asked,
" I was wondering if you would like to attend a festival tomorrow night? It will be out first date,"

A jolt of excitement coursed through your veins at the mention of a festival. In honesty, you've never had chance to go to one since you were a single mother who was always working.

You nodded in excitement before thanking him repeatedly, earning a chuckle from him. He pecked your lips with a smile,
" Anything for you,"

You thought for a moment about Asami, considering it was a date night, it will just be the two of you. You've never been apart from Asami, and the fact that it was demons that could be looking after her worried you.

You then thought of an idea,
" I'll get Kokushibo to babysit her for a few hours, I'll make the bottles ready for him and write the time she has them before putting her to sleep,"

Muzan nodded before glancing down to see Asami was fast asleep, he was surprised at how much of a sleeper she was. He kissed your cheek,
" I'll be waiting then, have a nice sleep,"

He gave you Asami before ordering Nakime to transport you to your room, in which she obliged in an instant. You placed Asami in her futon before changing into a thin kimono to sleep in. It was from Mitsuri, so it revealed parts of your breasts, just like hers.

You tucked yourself into your futon before falling asleep.


The next day was stressful. Daki was endlessly changing you into different kimonos, trying to find the best one for you for the festival. Whilst you've been dragged into this, Kokushibo and Gyutaro looked after Asami.

In the end, you picked out a beautiful F/C colored kimono with flower designs imprinted on it. Your hair was braided neatly at the side whilst the rest of your hair was down.

Daki squealed at her master piece,
" You look beautiful! But I know I'm still prettier than you,"

You rolled your eyes at her statement before walking over to Asami, who was playing in her futon, before picking her up.

You walked out of the room to see Kokushibo waiting outside the room. You placed Asami in his arms before smiling,
" You better take good care of her. The bottles are in her bag,"

He nodded with a hum before you looked up at Nakime,
" Please transport me to Muzan,"

The sound of a Biwa was heard before you were teleported outside. Muzan stood there in his usual attire but his hat was gone. You smiled at him as he looked you up and down in awe, as if you were a piece of art.

" You look beautiful,"

You blushed before thanking him as he walked you to the festival. The walk was silent yet comfortable, the only thing that was heard was your footsteps and the music of the festival nearby.

You thought for a moment when you arrived at why he chose you to be his partner. A simple, single mother who owns a cafeteria. That doesn't sound like the wife of a demon king.

You both walked around the vibrant town, chatting stuff about your past, mainly yours. There were banners and lanterns hung everywhere and there was lots of shops open.

A necklace caught your eye that was hanging from a nearby stall. It was a diamond necklace with small, silver diamonds around the beautiful diamond in the middle. The diamond was the same colour as yours eyes.

Muzan noticed you were looking at the piece of jewelry, causing him to smile at the spark in your eye without noticing. He grabbed your hand and intertwined them before walking over and buying the necklace.

You tried to stop him mid way, saying that he didn't need to get it you, but he ignored you. He bought the necklace before placing it around your neck.

He glanced at it then looked you deep in the eye,
" It matches your eye colour,"

You chuckled and returned the smile, thanking him for the present. You continued to walk down the street before someone barged into you by accident. You lost your balance from the impact for a second, but Muzan helped you steady yourself.

He glared at the person who did saw, sending daggers towards the man. The man that barged into you turned around, his eyes widening once he met your shocked gaze.

You couldn't move or speak at the man in front of you. You had never expected to see him again.

" Takashi? "

Heartbreak ( Muzan x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now