Chapter 1: Jailbreak

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I realized something, in order for both of us to make it out, I might grab one of the locals to help me out a bit. 

Shaco, the devious jester that has been terrorizing Bubba, I'm gonna pay him in hopes he places the bomb where I want it. 

Wait, he feeds off of pain, I don't need to do shit. 

Shaco: Ahahaha! So helpless, poor little Bubba... oowoowoowoo...

He's teasing him like a child, every time Bubba tries to attack him, he just poofs. 

Guard: HEY! Bitches! That's enough! 

Now's my chance, I walk over to Shaco as he has that moment of regret. 

Y/N: Shaco, my main main, my bully, my jester fella, how are you doing? 

Shaco: Y/N Y/N Y/N... The annihilator of hospitals and refugees alike...

Y/N: Yeah, you're a dick, I was going to help us all escape, but now I might not... 

I start walking away before he teleports in front of me. 

Shaco: What... What?! WHAT?! PLEASE! OH PLEASE! Y/N!

He starts begging on his knees.

Y/N: Alright, IF! One IF!

Shaco: What is it?

Y/N: Never mention the hospital, ever... again...

Shaco: No promises my boy, but I'll try! What is thy bidding, my Y/N. 

Y/N: Jhin and I are leading the charge. 

Shaco: A nice boy, I respect the Khada fellow, what is it? 

I hand him the crude bomb I made while nobody is looking. 

Shaco whispers: Where at? 

Y/N: Generator room, I know you can get yourself in and out. 

Shaco: I see you on the outside my friend, you owe me. 

Y/N: My man, of course my jester friend! 

Shaco: Please, I am a sorcerer! 

Y/N: Sure, sure, now, do it.

Night falls, me and Khada are counting the seconds and the footsteps of the nightguards who are walking during this regretful shift. 

Khada: This will be one of my greatest art pieces yet... 

He slips the guard helmet on next; I follow. 

Khada: So, what do we do now? 

Y/N: We wait, hey I got an idea. 

We dress up a couple pillows to look like us, then we pretend to beat it to get the guard's attention.

Guard: Shakedown time already?! It isn't even morning. 

Y/N in a gravelly, disguised voice: This one killed the warden's sister, he gets special treatment...

Jhin punches his dummy as I look back at the guard, who walks away in fear. 


Guard: Lockdown! HEY, LOCKDOWN! COME O-


I hit up upside his helmet with one of the gauntlets on the guard outfit, Jhin grabs his gun... oh boy... 


Jhin: That's our cue Y/N, let us create! 

Y/N mumbles: Psycho...

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