Chapter 4: Building a reputation

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Jinx and I take a seat at the bar. 

Sarah: Hey guys! Successful job?

Y/N: Yep, got a new bike out of it too. 

Sarah: Ooooh... a bike... you trying to take me for a ride? 

I look up at her with a concerned expression while she gives me a sly grin, isn't she- 

Sarah: Just kidding! I'm already seeing someone...

She giggles, Jinx giggles alongside her, I'm just dumbfounded. 

I feel a tap on my shoulder as I finish my drink. 

???: Are you Y/N? 

Y/N: Y/N is enjoying his leisure time at the bar right now, come back later. 

I hear a gun cock... fuck...

I hit his wrist, causing him to drop his gun, making it go off...


...right as it hits the floor. 

Graves: Told you assassins, not inside the bar! 

Y/N: Yeah, not inside the bar! 

I grab the open bottle that Sarah is holding, splashing him in the eyes.

Hitman: Ack! My eyes! Fuck! 

I set the bottle down, smiling at Sarah. 

I get up, Graves gets behind him. 

Graves: He's all yours, where do you want him? 

Y/N: Out front, I want to put on a show for those waiting outside. 

Graves: Risky, I like it. 

I guide him outside as he's trying to clear his eyes; Graves grabs the assassin's gun, and we head out. 

I throw him against a car, then bang his head against the door. 

I rip his mask off as he's disoriented on the floor. 

Graves: Zed, Zed, Zed... what the fuck is wrong with you? You know the rules!

Zed: H-Hey... you know me... Ionia paid me a pretty penny for his head. 

Y/N: Yeah, you ever spent time in prison there? 

Zed: Yeah, that's why I wanted to leave Ionia, they tasked me with killing you! 

Y/N: Why me? 

Zed: I don't know, maybe because you are an escaped prisoner? Maybe because you blew up one of our hospitals that clearly wasn't doing anything wrong?!

Graves turns around, he could care less about our bickering. 

Y/N: You know I was just following orders, just like you were!

Zed: But you threaten our rule! Our power! 

Y/N: I only do now because they sent your dumbass to try and kill me! What happens if I just spare you, let you run away? 

Zed: I'll remember it, that you really weren't as bad as they made you out to be, I am the leader of the Shadow Order, people dedicated to protecting Ionia from its enemies. 

Y/N: I spare you; you fuck off? 

Zed: Yes.


Graves takes his gun and tosses it to me. 

I shoot around his feet. 


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