Chapter 25: Void-ling debt

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Ahri pulls me into her room and slams the door with her one tail. 

She tosses the hamster plush in the corner with the rest of the plushies that she has. 

She turns around, breathing heavy with an open smile, ears twitching. 

Y/N: Uh... so what's my reward? 

What kind of question is that? I already know what my reward is. 

Ahri: Whatever I want it to be...

She wraps her tails around me and twirls me around.

She then throws me onto the bed...


Ahri: Relax... you'll love it...

She pounces on me, clawing at my shirt. 

Y/N: You want it off? 

Ahri nods, her tails wagging fast. 

I take my jacket off and my shirt, she takes care of the pants. 

It takes no time at all to be completely naked and exposed to her. 

She's way too excited. 

Ahri: Yes... finally... all mine! 

Y/N: All yours...

She licks up my stomach, then up my chest, meeting me at my face. 

We kiss passionately, trading saliva as she navigates her hands down to my member, stroking it. 

She separates, we stare at each other for a moment. 

Ahri: You're really cute, you know that? 

Y/N: Heh... thanks! You're cute too.

Ahri and I giggle a bit. 

Ahri moves down, gently nipping my chest, fingering herself. 

I move my hands up her hips but then the tails wrap around my wrists. 

Ahri: Nuh-uh, no touchies... let me take care of you...

Y/N: Alright... that's gonna be hard...

Ahri: Yeah, it's already hard... 

She giggles again, this woman is amazing.

In one fluent motion, she slams my arms down to the bed and slides my member inside her, causing her to screech. 

Ahri: SO BIG!!! I mean... *moan* 

Y/N: You feel so good... *light grunt* 

Ahri leans over, making eye contact. 

Ahri: You f-feel better... *loud moan* 

Ahri starts gyrating around, making sure she gets all of it inside her, this pleasure is... way too much...

Y/N: Fuck... W-where did you learn to move like that? *grunt*

Ahri: I have my ways... 

She moves faster, causing me to just about lose it. 

Ahri: Come on Y/N... let's go together... *moan* 

Y/N: Are you close? I'm close. 

Ahri: Yes... Come on... *loud moan* 

Her ears flutter while we simultaneously climax at once.

Y/N: YES!!! Ahri, oh fuck... *grunt* 

Ahri: Y/N!!! Babe... *moan*

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