Chapter 41: The concert finale

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Never have I ever guessed I'd be here, uncle used to tell me how bad concerts were, how bad women were, how bad of an influence that Belle was, dumbass should've been more supportive, but then I probably wouldn't be here, then again, he also spoke from firsthand experience, however... He seemed like a real piece of work.

Wherever he is now, I wish him the best.

Because without him, I would never be here, dating five popstars, all ripping me to pieces. 

Enough about my thoughts, it's been a couple weeks so that the girls could give me enough time to heal myself up to walking pace.

Bless their hearts, they delayed the concert so that I could join them.

The girls?

Oh... The girls...

Absolutely gorgeous, their performance and their looks.

I can see how fans would buy a backstage pass just for a chance to meet them.

And they're mine, all mine...

With the death of Darius, Kayn, Yasuo, Jarvan, nobody is going to get in my way now.

Those who know of the Black Death know he isn't someone to be fucked with.

Did I really just say that? Ugh, I'm a fucking loser...

God I should laugh at myself...

Anyway, the concert finishes up, Ionia is actually a nice place when you aren't wanted.


The crowd roars as the girls get off the stage.

I stick my head out of the backroom to see if they're going the right way.

Sure enough-

Eve: Darling! Oh come here!

She snags me with her two tails, pulling me into a hug and a kiss.

She moans into the kiss, so do I if I'm being honest.

Eve: How was it?

Y/N: Words cannot describe how... magnificent it truly was.

Eve smiles, she loved those words and rightfully so.

Kai comes in next, so do the rest of the girls.

Kai: Y/N! Y/N! Did you see me? You saw my single, right?

I did, I sure fucking did. I like to think I helped her with her confidence, allowing her to do that.

Y/N: I did and it was so awesome, you gotta lead more often!

Eve lets me go to go grab an excited Kai'Sa, I wrap her up and she bends me down, kissing me.

Ahri, Sera, Kali are all next. 

Ahri pulls me from Kai, giving me a big hug.

Y/N: You guys were amazing! How else can I say it? 

Sera: That um... maybe you'd want to give us a reward? 

Y/N: Right here, right now? In the backstage? 

Kali: Sera...! Such a bad girl! 

Kali and Eve both giggle, Sera blushes while smiling. 

Kali: Where's my affection? 

I stand square with Kali next, then we both latch onto each other.

Who knows how far it could've gone if Sera didn't step in. 

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