Chapter 39: Royalty, pfft...

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Kali: So, what's the plan? 

Y/N: I pull up beside his limo or town car, whatever the fuck he has. He's royal, he acts like a douche, he definitely has something big. Anyway...

Kali giggles. 

Y/N: Shoot his tire, if that doesn't work, I shoot the window, if that doesn't work, I'll go for the radiator. 

Kali: What about when he gets out of the car? 

Y/N: Well, that's when we get rid of the guards, however we go about that, whatever is easiest. 

Kali: Then how are we taking him? 

Y/N: I'll tie him up with some duct tape, then throw him on the back of my bike. We'll just go somewhere secluded, preferably enclosed, we don't want anyone to see what we're going to do. 

Kali: Which is? 

Y/N: Kali, if it wasn't obvious already, I'm gonna fucking kill him. 

Kali: But that goes against what Sera wanted!

Y/N: Which is why I didn't want you to come along on this, I can't have her finding out! 

Kali: *Long sigh* Alright... I'll help you, but whatever you do with him is up to you, I just wanted to hunt, not torture... what are you gonna do to him? 

Y/N: Chop him apart, starting with any place that he touched Sera. Might cut his nuts off and force-feed them to him, how's that sound? 

Kali: Are you okay? 

I start to giggle. 

No... no, I am not...

Y/N: Eh, not so sure anymore. 

I walk out of the elevato-

Kali grabs my arm. 

Kali: Y/N... you don't have to do this if you don't want to... you could just threaten him, maybe get legal if you really wanted...

Y/N: Thanks Kali, but look at it this way...

I turn back and look at her concerned expression. 

Y/N: He won't be a problem to anybody ever again... they'll be out looking for a bum who wanted to rob him for crack money. 

She giggles a little, then goes back to being serious. 

Kali let's go of my arm, hugging me tightly. 

Kali: I love you Y/N, I do... this isn't you... it isn't...

I feel the wetness come down on my shoulder, she's crying. 

Y/N: Maybe you've known the wrong Y/N this whole time... because Kali, I'm still here... I'm still your Y/N...

Kali: I'm just afraid... afraid you'll go too crazy or some stupid shit... <The last thing I need is another insane boyfriend.>

Y/N: <I could never drop that low.> I'm a killer, but at least I have standards. 

She pulls back, her makeup is a little runny but it still looks good. 

Y/N: If you're really concerned about my well-being, you should stay here... I promise I'll be back...

Kali: *Sniff* It's still jarring that you know Korean.

Y/N: Better believe it, it was all I was allowed to speak at one point.  

She snickers a little, looking back up at me with that smirk. 

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