Chapter 24: Repaying the fox

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I leave my closet, a different jacket, and a shirt. 

The rest is fine, they weren't stabbed with glass, or smeared in makeup, so they'll work. 

I take my shotgun off and put it down on the dresser, startling Eve a little. 

Y/N: You alright? 

I sit on the bed beside her. 

I slowly move my hand up her side and she snatches it, holding it tight. 

Eve: Just... chill with me for a minute.

Y/N: Sure darling, anything for you.

Ahri shouts from across the penthouse.

Ahri: Y/N! You ready?!

Y/N: Just a minute! 

Eve: I... I'm so sorry... I get a little out of control sometimes...

Y/N: It's not even that bad, you didn't throw me off the balcony. 

Eve: Well, I think me... and the girls... were being a little too possessive. 

Y/N: Pfft, you think? It's just Jinx, you knew she was like this, why the sudden loss of care? She's just our friend Eve...

Eve: I know! God! I don't know why I was such a bitch...

Y/N: You aren't a bitch, just very protective of your own, it's normal to think that but like, you gotta relax. 

Y/N, you're one to talk, dumbass. "Mine... all mine..." head-ass. Now, that is a good point, why am I allowed to talk to Jinx, but they're not allowed to talk to other guys, is it just that they don't? Or do they and do I not know about it. 

Y/N: I think we both gotta relax, actually. 

Eve: What? 

Y/N: I'm a little obsessed too, that's putting it lightly...

Eve: I don't... what do you mean? 

Y/N: I wanted to kill Yasuo and Kayn because I wanted to protect your friends? There are much better ways of doing that, you know? I just chose what seemed like the quickest and easiest option for me. *Sigh*

I pause, then keep going.

Y/N: Now that I love all of you, that obsession is only getting worse, my last few dreams I've had were fucked up what-ifs that an alter ego of myself kept giving me. 

Eve: Oh no... I'm... I'm sorry, I think you and I got stuff we can work on. I think we all do...

Y/N: Damn right. Well, I have to take Ahri out, I'll be back. 

Eve: Bye darling. 

She sits up and pecks me on the lips, then laying back down. 

I leave the room and join Ahri for a day out. 

Ahri: So, what games are we gonna play? 

Y/N: If you want the giant hamster, we'll need to play balloon popping if it's still there. 

Ahri: I love it! You won't have to worry, we'll get a bunch of them! 

Y/N: Can't wait...

I rub my chest a little, grunting. 

That shit still hurts from when I smashed through the window. 

Ahri: You okay babe? 

Y/N: Yeah, just... falling about twenty floors ain't exactly good for the human body, let alone smashing through someone's window. 

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