Chapter 23: Make up

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I nervously walk into the lounge area.

Ahri: Y/N! You're back!

Her tails wag, then they droop at the sight of me.

Eve: How was Zaun, darling?

Sera: See anything weird?

Kai: Kali mentioned a present...

Y/N: S-so... good news...

I lightly toss the key fob on the coffee table, taking a seat.

Y/N: Rolls Royce Cullinan, a gift from a guy I worked with a little while ago. It's pretty despite being pre-owned, but it's pretty much new with just a few miles on the clock.

Sera: Woah! A new car! I don't know what that is...

Ahri: It's a SUV, an expensive one at that, you said it was a gift? How do you know he didn't steal it?

Y/N: He didn't, he's all about integrity. Well, I don't know, but he's got some good stuff, he knows the type of backlash I'd bring if the car caused us problems...

No, Vik is definitely not about integrity, and he didn't steal it, I DID!!!

Eve: Alright, we'll take your word for it...

The other girls are hyped, then calm back down.

Y/N: That brings me to the bad news...

All the girls give me a stare, this is going to be rough.

Y/N: Jinx... *sigh* Jinx basically tongue-kissed me right before I got the car.

Ahri and Kai go ballistic.


She starts frothing at the mouth and growling like she's ready to maul me to pieces, she dives at me-


Thank the stars, she missed... 

I'm now on the ground about to get up when-

Kai: No! I'M KILLING HER! Where is she?! My Y/N...

Kai stomps on my chest, aiming her cannons down at me, charging them up.

Sera and Eve look at each other in concern then pan down to me.

Eve: Wait! We're not getting the full story...

Kai: What other story is there to get?! Babe is a filthy cheater!

Sera: We don't know that for sure! It's possible, calm down Kai'Sa! Ahri, you too! SIT!!!

Ahri: NO!

Eve: YES!

Eve's tails come out, snagging both of them by the legs, knocking them both down. 

They regain their composure and sit. 

Eve's tail grabs me next, dragging me across the coffee table and onto the floor. 

Where I am laying below her, as she leans forward in her seat to give me the stare. 

Eve: Darling... did she kiss you? Or did you kiss her? Does she know about us? What did you say? Answer me...

She squeezes my chest really hard with her tail, I gotta try and be as honest as possible, but Jinx... I'm so sorry... just in case I can't dig either of us out of this hole...

Y/N: Agh! Alright! Ease off and I'll tell! 

Eve: Not a chance... 

Sera: Tell us Y/N...

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