Author's Note

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This has been the last of Them... NOW, this story did not come out the way I planned it. Actually, almost nothing in my life came out the way I planned during the time I was writing this. Exams, jobs, internships, interviews, dates, the whole thing didn't come out right. But does that stop me from writing or my past times of weed, cars, and games? NO!!!

I appreciate you all for taking the time to read this, even if you just skipped to the end, you are still reading it. Words cannot contain how much I appreciate each and every one of you, for praising and/or giving my dogshit stories the light of day. I wrote these stories because I was bored, and I have never seen a story related to the K/DA similar.

I thought, well if anyone could do it. You know? Writing is a little rough though, but the only bad thing you can do is not write at all. You can't call yourself a shitty writer if you don't write, just throw whatever the fuck you want on that paper, and it will come to life.

Back to Them... This story did not come out the way I wanted it to. I wanted him to kill more people, be more toxic, gaslight a bit more, be a bit more insane. But then I started thinking about it a little more, that shit would suck. I read a story about a Y/N who chose suicide, depression, his own personal pride over the girls. What if I made a story that gave into the cliche? Where he broke out of his war-torn ill-ridden shell for the sake of them.

This Y/N had no guidance after his time in the army, and jail didn't make his life easier. He was battling with a mental illness the whole time. It didn't help that his closest friends were psychopaths. This Y/N got taken on a roller coaster, things I have not put in but might write about in the future: More killing, someone targets the girls, Jhin snaps, Jinx snaps, anyone of his friends snaps, Y/N breaks up with the girls temporarily for... safety reasons?, Uncle comes back idk. 

Anyway, enough about the doo-doo head Y/N or the doo-doo head author that's been through some shit lately. I hope you guys enjoyed this story, and if you didn't, hey that's okay too. Not everything is meant to just be enjoyed. WRITING PLAN AFTER THIS CHAPTER:

I will start writing The College Experience 2: All Mixed Up, a lot of people seem to like it. On the back burner for now, but in a long time probably, Celebrity Solutions: Season 2. A new story that hasn't been touched yet, just made a cover for it, sneak peek type shit here:

 A new story that hasn't been touched yet, just made a cover for it, sneak peek type shit here:

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Looks sick right? Nah it's a little half-assed. The Vastayan boy from Ionia that's got all the skills but none of the social ones is coming in Gifted? Magical? Please. Love y'all, peace.

Song: Queen - Somebody to Love

Them (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now