Chapter 30: Some damage

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After hanging with Kai for the next couple hours, our wholesome chill sesh gets cut by an excited Kali screaming across the penthouse. 

Kai: Probably should go see what that is...

Y/N: Yep! 

Kai kisses me, I kiss back.

She lets go of me to get up and investigate the commotion. 

Random guy: Akali! What's going on girl?! 

I step outside and see three guests invited to the lounge. 

Kali: Ekko! Come here baby! 

I see her hugging another guy, this guy is a lot younger than Yasuo, like crazy younger. 

Ah, so his name must be Ekko, better than Yasuo. 

One of the girls: Kali, my little light!!!

Kali: Everyone is here! Oh my gosh... Senna, Qiyana, what the fuck?!

All three of the girls scream and jump up and down in happiness. 

I shut Kai's door, announcing my presence. 

Kali: Guys! Y/N! Come meet these lovely people! 

Y/N: Who are they? 

Ekko: Who are we? Now man, that's just an insult. 

Y/N: Sorry man, guess I've been living under a rock. 

Ekko lightly chuckles. 

Qiyana: Is Kai'Sa in there? We've been worried sick, how is she?

Y/N: She's doing better, now, who are you guys? 

Kali: Y/N... this is... or what's left of True Damage.

Kali shows off each one of them, one by one. 

Kali: Ekko, Qiyana, and Senna. 

They all nod. 

Kali: Everyone, meet Y/N. My personal badass and AMAZING boyfriend! 

Kali looks at them, then at me, then back at them. 

Kali latches onto my arm, kissing my cheek, making me awkwardly smile at the few. 

Ekko runs his hand through his dreads, holding his hand out soon after. 

Ekko: What's up, Y/N, hit me. 

He dabs me up, but we barely fumble that shit, I suck at handshakes that aren't actually a handshake. 

Y/N: We got it, we got it...

Qiqi: Just call me Qiqi, hon, my you are almost exactly how I pictured...

She dabs me up next, this time I get it better, but she holds onto my hand a little too long. 

Y/N: Uhh... Nice to meet you!

Senna dabs me up next, then looking up at me with a smile. 

Senna: What's up, Y/N?

Y/N: Nice to meet you, Senna! 

Kali: Qi... Y/N Is off-limits... Let's head to the lounge! 

Y/N: Wait, don't they wanna see Kai first? 

Ekko: Yes, please?!

Kali leads us into Kai's room. 

Kai gasps, smiling widely. 

Kai: Guys! Long time no see, come give me hugs! 

They all hug Kai, Kai is drowning in the affection that she's getting from the friend group. 

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