Chapter 13: One fool

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Sera and I are practically making out now, nobody I've ever met could kiss as good as her, I just hope the others don't find out.

Sera: Y/N... I love you.

We hardly even talked, but at least she feels like she belongs here now...

Y/N: I-I love you too.

She pulls me down again, kissing me more as she runs her hands through my hair.

They all got me hooked, I would do anything for these girls, anything...

I'm just a fool, trapped in a celebrity's world, I don't care how long it takes to fit in, I know I belong here.

Sera pulls back, smiling at me with those sparkling blue eyes.

She blushes at the position we're both in, her legs spread with me on top of her.

Sera: W-well... this is awkward...

Y/N: Yeah, no kidding.

She puts a few strands of her hair right above her mouth, making herself look like she has a moustache, I can't help but chuckle at it.

Sera: I look exactly like you!

She pouts, this act eases the awkwardness between us.

Y/N: Now you just need to lose your arm!

I pretend to drag my fingers down her one arm, tickling her.

Sera: No! Stop! Ahaha...!

Her laugh is so cute, I can't right now, I stop before I cause any damage.

I crawl off of her and sit beside her, she sits up, entangling me in all her hair.

Y/N: You want to know what'll happen?

Sera: What'll happen?

Y/N: Our hair is long, what if it tangles up?

Sera: My blue and pink would look good with your black, might be a facelift for you!

Y/N: Nice, really nice.

She brushes a couple loose strands from my long black hair, sliding them back for me.

Sera: There we go, so handsome.

Kali jumps over the couch and sits on the other side of me.

Kali: *Pant* He really is... hey babe.

Y/N: Babe?

Well, that's true, we are a thing now, never thought it would be with five girls, this is such a horrible idea it's not even funny.

Kali: I mean, of course, you're my babe...

Kali slides her hand in mine, kissing me on the cheek, I'm getting some really nice treatment.

Sera: Oh yeah! How are you feeling honey?

Kali: Seeing as how he was on top of you, I'd guess he's doing alright...

Y/N: Now guys, now's not the time to gang up on me, Yasuo still fucked me up bad.

Kali can feel the dent in my chest where Yasuo sliced me open.

It doesn't help that my leg was sliced too, it occasionally pulsates as it heals.

I like to think that it's him thinking about me in the afterlife, keep crying, you lost...

I grunt, Kali just poked it!

Y/N: Hey! That still hurts! Be gentle with me... please...

Kali: Oh! Sorry! I was just...

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