Chapter 37: Concert rumors

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After a few more hours of lazing around, Eve and I finally sit up. 

This time, all the girls are with us in the lounge. 

Y/N: So, concert ideas? Eve said you were doing that, Ahri.

Ahri: Jayce likes the idea; stuff is pretty easy to book thanks to a nearby region having... leadership troubles. 

Ahri glares at me, I just shake my head. 

Kali: You gotta tell us how you did it! 

Kai: It would be interesting to know...

Sera: Well, not all of us need to know!

Y/N: Maybe later, concert? 

I've never been to a concert before. 

It was something I always wanted to do but uncle wouldn't let me. 

I wonder why, it doesn't seem like much. 

A crowd and a stage, artists performing while the crowd gets fucked up. 

Another thing too; I'm not a kid anymore. 

Ahri: Yes! We're having a concert!

Y/N: Awesome, I can't wait. 

Eve: Good, because you ARE coming with us darling...

Y/N: Oh, that's what I'm looking forward to...

Eve: Looking forward to what? 

Y/N: Oh, I don't know... maybe a little bit- 

I start gliding my hand up her thigh until-

Kali: Why do you two always have to act so weird when you're together?

Y/N: It's only for other people to see.

Eve: Yeah, don't act you don't like it. 

Y/N: Oh, I love-

Eve: Not you...

We look at the rest of the girls and they look a little uncomfortable. 

Who do I pick on...

Y/N: Sera! 

Sera: Y/N?

Y/N: What are you hoping we do after the concert? 

Sera: After? Y/N I'm still stuck on during...

Y/N: Oh... so you wanted to do something during... 

Sera: What? 

Eve: Oh, I know where he's going with this. 

Eve giggles as I keep pressing. 

Y/N: I mean, we could do something. Just think about it... the heat of the moment...

Eve adds on, she knows.

Eve: The suspense of being caught or god-forbid not being able to finish before your cue... 

Y/N: But it feels so good...

Sera: O-OH!!! Oh my gosh... Behave!

Sera blushes, trying her best to laugh it off. 

I lean over to Sera now, rubbing her one shoulder. 

Y/N: Oh... you behave...

Eve: See! Don't act like you guys don't like it! 

Kali: You've ruined him Eve, too far gone! He's a male you!

Kali giggles as Sera melts, leaning against me. 

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