Chapter 28: Ending the aftermath

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Sera: I'll get the water; you just stay there and get sexy for me...

Y/N: I love your language.

Sera: I know.

She stands up on her tippy toes to kiss me, then runs to the bathroom to start the water. 

Get sexy? How... how does one do that? 

I "get sexy" the best way I know how. 

I strip down to my underwear as Sera transitions to her closet. 


I lose the underwear; Sera comes out of her closet in nothing but a bath robe. 

Sera: Wow... that is sexy...

Y/N: You think you can out-do it? 

Sera: We'll find out...

She takes off her bathrobe despite just putting it on, revealing her naked body only to me. 

Her hair drapes down, covering all her naughty bits...

But you know they're still there on display. 

Sera holds out her hand.

Sera: Come bathe with me, lover...

Y/N: Gladly...

She snags my hand, taking me into the bathroom. 

Holy shit... it is a big fucking bathtub. 

You can probably fit four people in this jacuzzi of a tub. 

Sera: You first... sit back and relax...

I follow her orders, sitting in the bath.

The coolness of the bathroom is interrupted by the satisfying feeling of the hot water. 

I'm lucky my robot arm is waterproof, and thanks to Jax's coating, it won't rust. 

Sera sits down next to me, her hair encasing both of our bodies below the water. 

Y/N: Ahhh... yeah... this is really nice...

Sera: Yeah... you ever bathe before? 

Y/N: In water? Nah, normally I just shower.

Sera: But baths... are... so nice...

She glides her hand up my thigh, then up my stomach...

Y/N: Showers are better for sex... sorry. 

Sera: Hell no! Let me show you...

The water splashes a little as she maneuvers on top of me. 

She lowers down onto my lap, gliding her hands down my chest. 

I lean forward to touch her then she pushes my arms aside, spreading them out along the edge of the tub. 

Sera: Sit back... let me show you...

She takes her hands down to my member, stroking it with both hands, biting her lip. 

I moan, the pleasure is... too much...

Sera: *Moan* you like that... see... *moan* 

Y/N: More... *moan*

Sera: Of course...

I see her rise slightly out of the water, then she lets out a soft, concealed moan. 

I feel member slide right into something tight, making me let out a gasp. 

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