1- The Great Disguise

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The chestnut-haired boy sits alone in his room, the summer holidays were almost over and Will needs to get ready to the routine of school life. In his third year of college Will really buckled down compared to the last, the chestnut-haired boy was always a motivated student after seeing how much his mother struggled as a single mother raising the Byers children up, he wants to do the best he could to get a good job and help himself and his mother. Music plays in Wills headphones tapping his feet to the rhythm humming the song on his lips, he cracks open a window allowing the cool air in, feeling the air on his skin he shivers, the weather was exactly the correct temperature, Will enjoyed the tranquillity, focusing on his work placing the pen onto his notebook allowing his hand to glide the pen across the paper. 

Suddenly Will was knocked to the ground, his pen flew out of his hand, the smile on his face faded. Will kept his eyes down; was this an attacker? He shakes slowly looking up, it was far worse:

His best friend El Hopper

"El what the Hell?" The chestnut-haired boy scowls picking up the pen he dropped, 

"You almost gave me a heart attack, and I thought you were busy?" Will adds placing himself back on the chair he was thrown off of.

"Can't I want to see my dearest bestest friend in the whole world?"  El childishly states walking over to Will enveloping him into a big hug

"What happened now?" Will asks

"Why does something bad have to happen?" El stops hugging the chestnut-haired boy, walking towards the bed pouting. The boy sternly looks at El swivelling his chair around

"Point taken, anyway I really need your help" El adds smiling

"So basically, you remember my dad, right?" El starts Will nods listening to the brunette explain

"He set me up on a blind date... and I was wondering" El speaks quiet

"No! No! not again" Will shouts

"I haven't even asked yet" the brunette pouts throwing her arms into the air

"You want me to go as you again" Will spits watching El sheepishly nod

"Please just this last time" El begs

The pair argue form across the room, whenever El would be set up for a blind date she would ask Will to go in her place. El used to go herself but now does not since she is already in an albeit secret relationship with a woman, her name is Max Mayfield, and she is in Wills English course. Will thinks Max is quite cool especially when it comes to video games the redhead would always reign supreme blessing Will with her eternal knowledge of games.

El had told no one about her girlfriend except for Will and his mother Joyce, who became like the daughter Joyce never had. The brunette is worried of the reaction her father would have to finding out about her being pansexual

"All you have to do is go there and as soon as he sees you're a guy he'll leave" El admits 

"that's not what happened last time" will retorts, leaning his head back in his seat flashing back to the last time he went to a date for El, the guy was an absolute barbarian, taking the underage Will to a bar in an attempt to get him drunk. Will shudders just thinking about it

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now