13- Berry First Date?

310 11 40


---- Saturday 1:51 PM ----

Will was ready for his 'anniversary date' wearing a flannel hoodie atop of a white t-shirt, and black jeans. He smiled waiting at the bench in the centre of town square; sitting down crossing his legs scanning the people that passed but disturbed by his phone dinging in his pocket alerting him to the text message sent from Max telling him to enjoy his 'date'.

He rolled his eyes, slightly chuckling under his breath. Max always has been Will's number one supporter urging him to get a boyfriend so she and El could double date with him. Seeing the familiar ravenette in front of him he stood up following him to his car, but it was different than normal, the car was bigger with a black coating surrounding it appearing straight out of a magazine. He stepped inside not yet exchanging any words except for a small greeting, Will felt a strange feeling

"Umm, did you steal someone's car?" Will joked attempting to release the awkwardness inside him.

"My mum wanted this to be a special day, so she gave me her car to use" Mike answered

"It's surprising cause she never lets anyone use her car" He rolled his eyes

"I must be really special then, huh?" Will smiled sarcastically patting himself on the back

"For some reason she really likes you" Mike threw his hands in the air

"Haha! Who wouldn't" Will chuckled

Will shuffled in his seat; a small smile on his face struggling with the seatbelt. The ravenette averted his gaze away, clicking his own buckle turning the key in the ignition, driving far from Hawkins passing the graffitied welcome sign to the countryside as Will gandered out the window confused, scrunching his face

"Where are we going?" Will mustered the courage to ask at last

"That's a secret! Aren't anniversary dates supposed to be a secret?" He joked

Will shrugged his shoulders holding both hands in the air "I have no clue. I've never been on a date before, remember?"

"Oh Yeah... I forgot" Mike chuckled under his breath,

Will retaliated "Are you laughing at me?" crossing both arms across his chest

"Maybe I am" The taller boy smugly smirked

"Hmph" Slumping his seat staring out the window again, Will pouted. Their destination grew close, already having driven for over thirty minutes, Will scrunched his face confused as Mike swerved his car into the parking lot.

"A farm?" Will furrowed his eyebrows reading the sign towering over them

"Haha! You'll see" Mike carefully parked on the dirt track taking the keys out, opening the door. Will did the same, following Mikes every move advancing to the front desk scanning the area being handed a bucket walking through the trail

"Strawberry Picking?" Will blurted

"Happy anniversary!!" Mike cheerfully grinned, waving his arms about. A smile crept onto his face blushing ear to ear always wanting to go strawberry picking, but his father always thought it was a 'girl activity', Will shook his head not thinking about his father at this point in time rather surveying the farm noticing that only couples and families surround them

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now