21- Will Byers? More like Will Liars

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---- 6:54 PM ----

The chestnut-haired boy glanced at the clock, sitting in the taxi; adjusting the mullet on his head, thinking his days of pretending to be Will Woodland were over. The wig felt awkward atop his scalp, continuing to glance at his phone hoping to be there on time. Rolling up to the restaurant to meet Karen he opened the door, thanking the driver; paying him. Walking quickly, he took a few steps in the front garden of the establishment, scanning the area he felt underdressed as usual in his clothes being eyed up by the security, he awkwardly smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Mike spat; startling the chestnut-haired boy to spin around on his heel

"Your mum asked me to be here! I know you don't want to fake date, but I couldn't ignore her, so..." Will awkwardly explained trying his best

"So... You came behind my back?" Mike retorted crossing his arms, putting on a tough demeanour but happy to see Will again

"I didn't know you would be here... I thought you'd get angry at me again." Will explained, nervously finishing his sentence. Mike's heart broke, was Will scared of him? His face softened his hands falling from his side; wanting to just hug the chestnut-haired boy after that.

"Will- I wouldn't get mad at you... I'm actually really glad you're here" Mike smiled, putting his ego aside

"You are?" Will's eyes widened

"I'm not heartless Will" Mike giggled, hoping the smaller boy would believe it

"Sorry" The chestnut-haired boy muttered

"You did nothing wrong" The ravenette smiled placing a hand on his shoulder

"Yeah, I know" Will mumbled

"We should probably go, before my mum gets worried" Mike suggested

"Yeah, we should" Will nodded

"By any chance would you give me the pleasure of being my boyfriend for the night?" Mike joked extending his arm for the smaller boy to accept, secretly wishing they could amend their relationship.

"I'd love to" Will chuckled accepting the hand. Walking in, Mike scanned the area knowing the restaurant like the back of his hand, he talked to one of the waiters who smiled directing the pair to the Wheeler table. Will in a good mood; hoping this evening would just go well for once. Upon seeing them, Karen stood up from the table strutting over to them giving Mike a hug, the chestnut-haired boy twiddled his thumbs praying he didn't look unfit for the situation. Karen smile grew seeing Will, pushing Mike out the way enveloping him into a hug

"I'm so glad you were able to meet today... Mike said you were busy" She pulled away holding both the shoulders of the short boy

"Oh, did he?" Will bashfully smiled casting his gaze to the ravenette scratching the back of his neck

"In my defence, I thought he was" Mike lied knowing the real reason he told his mother that

"Well, I'm glad to be here Mrs Wheeler" The chestnut-haired boy smiled back

"Let's all have a seat, hmm?" She smiled taking a seat next to Mr Wheeler who mumbled an inaudible greeting not even bothering to get up, Will passed a wave over the old man nodding in reply.

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now