18- Act How I Remember

252 12 11

TW- Lonnie Byers, Homophobia, Abuse



---- 8:03 PM ----

"Hey buddy? How are you?" Steve asked, driving Will home from work today as he decided not to ride his motor bike. Robin sat as the passenger princess turning her body around constricted by the seatbelt, her usual smile replaced by a melancholic frown seeing the smaller boy so miserable the entire shift; wanting to help, but not knowing how, needing to go about this gently. Exchanging a look with Steve

"Is something wrong?" Robin followed on

"No, I'm fine" Will lied; a bland expression on his face

"We both know that's a lie, now what's wrong?" She quietly asked

"Who do I need to beat up?" Steve tightened his grip on the steering wheel, glancing at Will through the rear-view mirror

"Steve! This is not the time for jokes" Robin jested, causing the chestnut-haired boy's lips to curl into a smile laughing

"So, what's wrong?" She added, placing a hand over

"It's just that I spent so long working on this essay that I spent so many hours on and then every time I went to my teacher, he would tell me to redo it again and again and so I spent my nights just redoing my work and he won't even read it, and then he called me whiney" Will ranted stumbling over his own words.

"Who?" Steve stated angrily, his eyebrows furrowing

"My English teacher" Will whispered

"MIKE?" the pair shout in unison, the chestnut-haired boy covered his ears from the sudden noise

"Not that dickhead again, why is he always trying to get up in your business?" Steve remarked placing a hand to squeeze his forehead

"He's not- He's not like that" Will admitted

"You're not falling in love with this guy, are you?" Steve asked

"No- of course not" Will answered

"Good, I don't approve of him" Steve added

"Okay mum" Will joked, rolling his eyes

"There is the Will I know!" Robin emphasized, throwing her hands in the air hitting the roof of the car, she smiled.

"So, are you seeing him again in your Batman costume?" she asked

"It is not a Batman costume, but yes I am" The chestnut-haired boy chuckled

"Wait! but I thought you said he was annoying you?" Steve added

"Yeah, but he's also been treating fake me so sweetly, so I feel bad cancelling" Will replied. Robin nodded understanding the predicament he was in averting the subject just trying to cheer up Will to stop him thinking about Mike, she made jokes, mostly at Steve's expense till they reached the smaller boy's home; to where he jumped out unbuckling his seatbelt.

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now