2- Don't Date Me

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Will sits at the table twiddling his thumbs, continuing to count the cars that pass by. Hyping himself up Will brainstorms the ideas that could scare off a potential suitor,

"I feel bad for the poor sap who has to meet me today" He mutters under his breath; cheekily grinning. The actor in him emerging.

"Umm are you El?" A mysterious voice calls for Will, pulling the boy out of his thoughts, the chestnut-haired boy lifts his head eyes half closed; seeing a tall raven-haired boy dressed in a neat black suit with a red tie, Will's eyes widen a blush darkens on his face. Why did his date have to be so attractive? Will nods his head, not being tempted by the boy by his side

"I thought you were a girl?" The ravenette questions

"No, I'm a boy" Will spits

"Oh umm... it doesn't matter, I'm bisexual" The mysterious man stutters

Will rolls his eyes, hoping that the man would leave as soon as he saw his date being a guy. The raven-haired boy takes a seat opposite Will. The chestnut-haired boy takes a deep breath closing his eyes; wishing he could admire the features of the ravenette, but he was on a mission, a mission to end the date as soon as possible. Lifting his head to face the man, Will opens his eyes determined

"I don't even know who you are, what's your name?" The smaller boy lean both arms on the table, shaking his head sarcastically, audibly laughing looking away

"I'm Michael Wheeler, Mike for short" The taller boy raises an eyebrow,

"Oh Michael, my boy" Will sing-songs placing a giggle on his lips inspecting the ravenette in front of him, Mike maintains eye contact a soft smile on his lips; Will's breath taken away from he ravenettes features, he blushes awkwardly smiling back showing all his teeth.

"Excuse me for just one moment" Will calmly states getting up, stumbling away he runs to the bathroom. The bathroom decorated in all white, the stalls all clean with flower vases dotting the sinks, The chestnut-haired boy stares at his reflection in the mirror. Leaning his arms on the sink, he stands for ten minutes

"Come on Will! You've done much worse, there is a motor bike on the line." Whispering to himself he throws his head back. Playing with his wig, he nervously looks at his reflection,

"I can do it" He punches his fist to the sky, slapping himself on the face, he walks towards the exit confidently

"I can't do it" He whines to himself, running back to the sink, splashing water on his face,

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice calls out to him, Will jumps back turning his head towards the voice, Mike leans on the door frame smirking

"Of course!" Will scoffs pushing pass Mike back to the table. Will scrunched his eyes, hanging his head low. The chair across from his clunks. The chestnut-haired boy takes a deep breath looking up at Mike again.

"Isn't it so hot in here?" Will moans, throwing his leather jacket off of his shoulders, revealing the graphic tee under his jacket, his tee had the words 'Hellfire' Written on it, Will smirked, he was going to make Mike think he is part of a cult.

"Not really" Mike says not even batting an eye, Will lets out an annoyed sigh, clearly angry

"Hey! We are supposed to be on a date and you're not even paying attention to me" Will sits up in his chair, slapping his hand against the table, demanding Mike to pay attention to him. The raven-haired boy lifts his eyes up

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now