22- Hospital Core

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The chestnut-haired boy blamed himself; feeling as though he made everything worse, guilt filled his every pore; seeping out. He just wanted to have a normal evening and instead caused an innocent woman to collapse from shock. Making an oath promising to make it right, helping Mrs Wheeler anyway he could no matter how small. He sat beside Mike in the passenger seat; the ride silent, following the ambulance to the hospital, too afraid to say anything Will physically comforted the tall boy, placing a comforting hand over his, repeating calming words. Mike knew she fainted by stress due to her high blood pressure; just like when he told her he was 'dating' Will. Taking a deep breath knowing everything would be alright.

The pair reach the hospital, walking past the front desking making themselves to the room that currently held Mrs Wheeler, stepping in going toward Karen laying down; still unconscious. Greeting the doctor standing by the foot of the bed

"She's fine! She just passed-out due to shock." The doctor chirped upon seeing them. Mike smiled bright knowing for definite she would be fine.

"But she'll have to stay for a few hours, just so we could monitor her." The doctor added swiftly leaving the room. Will scanned the hospital suite, never being in a hospital of this magnitude before, decorated as if this was a five-star hotel; chuckling to himself quiet, honestly just thankful Mrs Wheeler would be okay.

"I need to go get her hospital gown from her house" Mike pouted tired of driving for the day

"Don't the usually give you one?" Will tilted his head

"Yeah, but she hates those; she says it makes her itchy" The ravenette shrugged, Will only nodded not knowing if that was normal for rich people or not

"I'll be back in about 20 minutes and My Dad's gone to get Holly" Mike waved before leaving the room

"Will you be okay to watch over her?" He added

"Of course," The chestnut-haired boy smiled bright, knowing this is the least he could do. Walking around the room he cleaned up, placing things in an order that would only seem logical, setting Mrs Wheeler's belongings neatly onto one of the bedside tables.

He watched over Karen's sleeping body, looking pristine, like a real-life Barbie doll; he frowned blaming himself once again for putting her in that position even if mostly cause by her previous high blood pressure, and his father showing up.

Her eyes flutter open, Will jumped up

"What are you doing here? How dare you show up here?" She scanned the room expecting her family

"Hi! Mr Wheeler said he needs to pick up Holly and Mike has gone to get you some of your clothes from your house" Will explained

"YOU! You're the reason I collapsed" Karen spat, squinting her eyes

"But-" Will attempted to reason

"Go away! Or I might faint from seeing you again!" She said harshly, Will felt hurt but honestly understood where she was coming from; if you found out the boy introduced as your possible son-in-law was a fake, you'd be angry at them, especially if they were being paid to fool you. She rose her body not even wanting to look at the smaller boy in front of her, throwing the blankets off her body, placing both feet on the floor

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now