19- Gimme, Gimme, Gimme A Man After Midnight.

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----Thursday 10:21 PM ----

After Joyce heard about what Lonnie had done, she promptly kicked him out screaming obscenities, telling him never to step foot near her son again or else. Also knowing how gloomy Will was, she let him sleep not forcing him to go to classes if he wasn't in the right state of mind, yet periodically checking on him; leaving food and water out. Applying cream to his bruise, the swelling increased as expected, worse than what she initially imagined; wishing she had taught Lonnie a lesson before kicking him out.

Now the chestnut-haired boy sat in a restaurant with his friends; attempting to keep his spirits up after telling them everything that happened the previous days, he remained quiet the whole day, waking up pass noon, at almost 3PM his eyes awoke, asleep for over twelve hours dehydrated and emotionally drained. He woke up to the sight of his three-friends standing over him like some sort of human sacrifice, still wearing his wig and outfit, Dustin and Max snickered liking this new design for Will, sure it was weird, but they saw the vision.

His friends suggested a way to take his mind off it. This was the best idea; food and alcohol. Bringing him to the current situation he was in now

"Can I have another bottle please?" Will raised a hand grabbing the attention of a waiter

"Aren't you drinking a bit much Will?" Max questioned slurring her words; the same amount of drunk as he was

"I've only had a few" Will chuckled back hiccupping, lifting a hand over the table tapping the hands of the redhead.

"Have as much as you feel you want Will! Remember this is all on me" El said as the waiter rushed over placing the bottle on the table, El quietly thanked him.

"Will?" She added

"Hmm?" Will lifted his head up taking another shot

"This is a fun day for you, to forget all your stress, everything will be better... I promise" The brunette cheered, holding a hand to her heart

"Really? Because I have a feeling it's just gonna get worse" Will muttered under his breath

"Don't stress! I'm sure your boyfriend will make it better" Max winked, El nudged her side

"He's the problem" The chestnut-haired boy mumbled

"I mean look at me- El helps me feel better" The redhead joked laying her whole-body weight on the brunette, almost stumbling the pair to the floor

"Must be nice" Dustin sighed, his girlfriend broke up with him a few years ago, taking a bite of his meal

"Don't be jealous!" Max joked

"I'm not jealous, being in a relationship isn't all that good" Dustin pouted crossing his arms

"You're right its horrible, and I can drink to that" the chestnut-haired boy, raised the glass to his mouth taking another swig

"C'mon Will it can't be that bad?" El questioned

"It's worse than bad, its double bad" Will hiccupped

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now