7- Pyjama Date

445 13 64


——8:57 pm——

Will changed to his pyjamas; a pale green tee with a bright blue pair of shorts

He lied down on his bed, leaning his legs on the wall glancing at the clock, it was almost 9 pm and he hasn't eaten yet, his stomach grumbled. Will didn't feel like eating anything at the moment. Begrudgingly he leapt from his bed walking over to the kitchen, looking through the fridge scanning the shelves to find food

He sighed running a hand through his chestnut hair. The fridge was empty as he told his mother that he was going to eat out. He slammed the fridge door laying his head on it, walking back to the room.

He flopped on his bed switching the mini tv in his bedroom



He answered the phone without even looking at the name

"El... I mean Will?" The voice called

"Umm yeah" Will looked at his phone, it read 'Mike'. He jumped up, sitting atop his bed. 'Shit' Will thought

"I wanna talk to you, where can I meet you?" Mike said from the other side of the phone

"Umm I guess you could meet me at the park" Will muttered

"Okay" Mike simply stated, switching the phone off. Will freaked out pacing around the room, does Mike know about how he pretended to be El? He slumped on his bed not moving a muscle. His phone buzzed. A text from Mike demanding he left his house. He swallowed the lump in his throat taking a deep breath and walking out his room not before grabbing his wig and placing it on his head.

Will left the house still in his pyjamas draping a thin windbreaker over his shoulders, keys in hand. Will grabbed his bike quickly pedalling to the park agreeing to meet Mike. He sat on the swings, swaying slowly back and forwards.

Will sat quietly, taking out his phone, scrolling through his social media. He felt eyes on him, looking around him; he couldn't see anyone, feeling a sense of dread Will calls Mike hoping he'll answer.

A gnawing feeling eats him up, the phone rings

"Hello, where are you? I'm at the swings" Will spoke quietly into the phone

"Hi? Come to the parking lot" Mike answered on the other side

"Oka——AHHH" Will screamed.

"Will... WILL!!" Mike screamed from the other side, swinging open the door running over to the swings

He felt a hand grab his windbreaker throwing him to the floor. His phone flew out his hands many feet away. A taller man with blond hair pinned him down. A smirk appearing on his face. Will shivered.

Will tried to move but was stopped when the taller man took out a knife, holding it to Will's throat, his eyes widening

"P-please" Will squeaked

"Shh- I won't hurt you" The man placed a finger over Wills lips

"Just give me your wallet" he added

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now