17- Redo, Redo, Redo

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---- 2:10 PM ----

In front of the computer Will rubbed his eyes finishing his assignment placing his head on the rest of the chair smiling bright. Elated, he felt as if this was the best version so far, in a weird way he thanked Mike for telling him to shorten his work removing any words hurting the flow of his message. The length had been stripped by half, now only two instead of four, any shorter and he would be unable to get all his points across. Rereading the work, pressing the print button he ran over to the printer, waiting for the paper to come out jumping up and down eagerly. Receiving the papers, he neatly aligned them stapling them together.

Grabbing the USB from the computer Will placed it in his bag throwing his backpack over his shoulders skipping to the offices excited to present his work, knocking on the door that read 'Michael Wheeler'



He waited for an answer holding his ear close to the door, hearing some muttering from the other side he entered, seeing Mike's face completely drop. Will noticed but didn't say anything in fear of being shouted at again for speaking, clearing his throat scanning the room seeing the ravenette alone.

"Hello Sir!" He said quietly waving, Mike only lifted his head from the screen not batting an eyelid; looking back at his laptop outwardly uninterested

"Umm I just came to give you this" Will placed the papers on the desk, still warm from the printer feeling crisp

"And what is this?" Mike asked in a monotone manner

"I shortened the essay for the competition" The chestnut-haired boy answered

"When did you do this?" Mike questioned honestly surprised

"I did it during the exam... the one you didn't let me do" Will spoke sadly

"Oh" He simply replied

"I took the original, using it as a baseline removing any unnecessary parts" the boy explained the work he handed over, proud of it

"Redo it" Mike spoke not even batting an eye from his computer

"What?" Will asked

"When I said to shorten it, I meant to restart it from scratch" Mike explained standing from his seat towards Will, each step rung in the smaller boy's ear

"I spent a lot of time on it, the least you could do is read it" Will complained, Mike now face to face with him.

"No! Redo this to an acceptable standard" Mike answered, inching closer to him, stepping away with every step closer the taller boy would make, until they reached the doorframe with the ravenette slamming the door in the smaller boy's face. Will stayed quiet knowing there was no use arguing with him, he let out a sharp breath leaving to get to work.

---- Tuesday 10:34 AM ----

Will had spent the entirety of the previous night rewriting the essay, starting from scratch just like the ravenette told him to; keeping it even shorter this time yet exuding confidence; although feeling as if he had written the same things out multiple times becoming fatigued getting a bad back from hunching over his laptop for multiple hours. He sucked it up thinking that Mike would only do what was best for him. After all his teacher wouldn't have any ulterior motives to single him out or pick on him, right?

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now