6- Bat-Shit Crazy

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——8:33 pm——

"He ran away from you?" Lucas walked around the room, pacing back and forth while Mike sat on his couch, holding his head in his hands ruffling his raven hair looking up

"He sounds bat-shit crazy!" Lucas continued

"Mike are you even listening?" placing both hands on the ravenette's shoulders.

"Do you know a Will?" Mike looked up

"A what?" Lucas stepped back raising his hands in the air

"A William" Mike spoke

"I know a lot of William's, there are four in our department" Lucas rolled his eyes

"Do you think I reacted bad towards him?" Mike questioned playing with his raven hair

"Honestly, a bit bad but it could've been worse" Lucas shrugged

"I need to go" Mike jumped up from his couch going towards the front door dashing out the room

"Where?" Lucas scrunched his eyes

"To see El" Mike shouted opening the front door

"WHAT?" Lucas shouted, throwing his hands in the air

Mike ran out to his car driving to El's house. He sat deep in thought resting his head on the steering wheel, he sat idle running a hand through his raven locks. Contemplating this whole idea. Mike breathed again turning the key into the ignition driving out the driveway, making his way towards the large house that had the Hopper Household

He parked into the driveway looking at his phone, was the time too late? Would he be annoyed if I turn up right now? Mike took a deep breath, taking his keys out the ignition walking toward the front door. Knocking on the front door his hands shake nervously.

"Mike?" the old man in the doorframe stood tall. He was burley with a thick moustache and slicked-back hair. The man smirked eating a bowl of fruit loops. Allowing the ravenette in his house

"Are you here for El?" The man chuckled, lifting another spoon of cereal to his lips, milk dropped down his chin.

"Yeah, is he here?" Mike said

"He?" Hopper raised an eyebrow, brushing off the question

"Umm yeah she's here" Hopper nodded his head, Mike looked around the room watching the pictures that littered the room, he scanned his surroundings

"Could I speak to him?" The ravenette asked

"Umm sure" Hopper nodded walking toward the stairs

"EL! YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE!" the old man shouted across the house, standing by the foot of the stairs. Mike stood awkwardly in the hallway; he twiddled his thumbs slightly swaying side to side. Mike heard footsteps coming down the stairs, expecting the mullet of the smaller boy

"Umm hi?" El waved awkwardly. She furrowed her brows watching the taller boy intently. Mike copied her facial expression

"I'll leave you two alone" Hopper walked away to the kitchen leaving the pair alone, they stood in silence waiting for the other to start the conversation.

"So, you're El?" Mike blurted, raising an eyebrow,

"I knew there was something wrong about the El I met" Mike added

"Hey, don't say that about him" El said, she bit her tongue remaining tight lipped she dared not say anything, Mike rolled his eyes sighing

"Can you at least tell me why you decided to catfish me?" Mike spoke, speaking in a low voice. El looks in another direction not looking Mike in the eyes. The ravenette sighed

"I guess I'll just ask your dad then" Mike smirked, walking toward the kitchen.

"No, no wait" El spoke, she held his arm pulling him to the living room. She took a deep breath

"I just- I have a girlfriend. And I can't let my dad know so I asked Will to go in my place and make you uninterested" El whispered

"So, his name is Will?" Mike tilted his head.

"Shit" El muttered under her breath

"I want to talk to him, where does he live?" Mike spoke

"I'm Sorry! I don't trust telling you where he lives"

"Okay! I respect that." Mike walked toward the door smiling at El.

"Oh, congrats on coming out by the way" He threw a short wave, a soft chuckle gracing his lips as he turned the doorknob leaving the house. Getting in his car he sat in the driveway takingout his phone to call the shorter boy


712 Words

Stay Safe <3

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now