11- Stereotypical

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---- Thursday 7:41 AM ----

"Yes mum" Mike sighed into the phone, his mother calling him to tell him all about how to treat his boyfriend, she gave him points from when she was younger; gleaming bright from the other side feeling like a teenager who was giving her friends tips on how to ask their crush out.

"And then make sure you always remember important dates; like birthdays and anniversaries" She paced around the kitchen instructing

"Yes mum" he repeated in a monotone manner

"Micheal! This is important, forgetting is the main source of arguments" Karen reprimanded

"I know that" He replied

"Do you really? When is your anniversary?" Karen questioned. Mike panicked, knowing not giving an answer or stumbling would only enable a lecture on treating Will better, he racked his thoughts

"October 5th" blurting date he had written in the binder

"And what do you have planned?" She spoke

"Oh umm I don't know yet" he answered

"Michael! That is this weekend, how haven't you figured it out yet?" she scolded, placing a hand on her hip with her phone in the other. Mike scrunched his eyes, knowing that his mother will force him to go on a date with Will and then have people report back to her.

"I know! I know I'll figure it out" He sighed

"How did you even get a boyfriend?" She joked cleaning a spec of dirt off the kitchen shelf


---- 8:56 AM ----

Will sat in art class; in the center, his easel in-front of him, this was the only lesson he had without any of his friends. He felt somewhat lonely but enjoyed the tranquillity that came from the quiet, he took out his phone scrolling through his Instagram.

"Hey Willy" a voice said from beside him. Will scrunched his eyes already knowing who this voice belonged to- Richie Tozier. Will had always had a massive crush on him, a crush that started on the first day of class when Richie appeared to be flirting with him. But one thing to know about Richie is that he always seemed to have sex on the brain, it honestly made Will question, how much the taller boy could think about Sex that early in the morning

"Did you miss me?" He cooed, placing a hand on the shoulder of the small boy, Will didn't know what to say as a bright glow appeared on his face, not daring to look him in the eyes

"I literally see you every day" Will joked quietly

"I like when you play hard to get" he flirted. Batting his eye-lashes

"Aww why do you ignore me?" He asked poking a finger into Wills cheek

"Get away from me Richie" Will jokingly rolled his eyes, flinching away,

"OH I'm so offended" Richie said placing a hand to his chest moving his face closer to the chestnut-haired boy, Will pushed him away not allowing them to get too close in fear of internally malfunctioning

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now