15- Mind Of A Mastermind

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---- Monday 8:24 AM ----

The raven-haired boy sat alone in his office, periodically checking his phone for any texts from Will, ignoring them, thinking of a plan pulling a tuft of his hair; getting absolutely no sleep for the past two days laying his head on the table; feeling like death.

"Good morning!" Lucas chirped skipping into the room cheerfully grinning, excited to hear about what Mike wanted to tell him, having a feeling that the ravenette had finally met someone he wanted to date and needed advice. Lucas stepped around the office two coffee mugs in hand sitting on the couch placing them on the coffee table

"It is not a 'good' morning" Mike frowned lifting his head

"Geez! I just came to give you some coffee" Lucas pouted

"Bite me" Mike joked.

"Woah! Someone woke on the wrong side of the bed" Lucas retorted, throwing his hands in the air dramatically. Mike scowled rolling his eyes, honestly not wanting to work today, but knew he would just mope around at home; he shook his head slapping his face standing up, flopping over to the couch, knowing that Lucas would help him clear his mind and give him someone to rant to.

"So, what exactly did you want to tell me? You seemed very eager to tell me on Saturday, but then didn't answer any of my texts" Lucas judged the ravenette, adding sugar to his coffee

"Umm so... I like someone" Mike replied

"You have a crush? So, I was right?" Lucas eyes widened almost choking on his coffee, slightly cheering under his breath

"Had!" Mike emphasized

"You don't like them anymore?" Lucas furrowed his brows sympathetically

"Yeah, something hap-" Mike answered running both hands through his raven locks



The pair switched their attention to the door frame slowly opening to reveal the person Mike wanted to see the least right now- Will Byers. The ravenette squinted his eyes angrily observing him strut into the room nervously.

Will's palms sweat; writing and rewriting his essay multiple times over the past week trying to get the best work possible as the deadline for the competition is this Friday. The bulk of the essay was to prove to the board why he was the best person for the apprentership course, Will had to write everything about himself; his life, his childhood, his ambitions and dreams down to the smallest details. He really aimed to get this apprentership as it would help him in the future, acting as work experience giving him a head start in front of the other applicants when the course is over. The bonus to this is getting paid therefore being able to help his mother pay off his father's debt.

Shaking his head peacefully handing the essay into Mike's hands, nervously fidgeting his fingers, hoping that Mike would give the constructive criticism he needs to help his paper be even better than it is now, coming early to University just for this, but also unconsciously here just to see Mike, worried for the ravenette after not responding to his text since the date, feeling happy around him even if he was unable to date him, thinking he's an amazing person who deserved someone better them him

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now