4- Scoop Me Up

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"What did you do? I told you not to make him interested" El whined, throwing her arms around herself

"I ran away from him; I don't think that's very 'call me later' behaviour" Will insisted stepping back from El, running a hand through his chestnut hair, he looked around turning his attention towards his two friends watching from the table. Max looked at the pair arguing a grin plastered on her face encouraging El. Then panning his attention to Dustin sitting by Max's side, he shrugged

"You have to go and tell him no" El argued

"What, you said only one date" Will protested, stress visible on his face.

"But you made this mistake" El blamed

"It's not a mistake, he must be insane for wanting to date me" Will tilted his head up in annoyance

"Marry!" Max chirped; a grin on her face

"Yes, thank you Max" Will scowled

"You're welcome" she mouthed flipping her red hair behind her head

"Just tell him the truth" the chestnut-haired boy whined

"I can't do that; my dad will be furious" El admitted sighing

"Please Will! You know I'd do the same for you" she added

"Fine... But this is the last time... I mean it!" Will sternly admits defeated

"Thanks, Will you're the best" the brunette wrapped her arms around the chestnut-haired boy knocking the breath out of him

"Ahem" Max called

"Of course, after you Maxi" El turns to face her girlfriend, placing a hand on her red hair

"Never call me that again" Max scowled

"Anyway, tell him to meet me today, I'll meet him after work" Will sighed

"And I'll just say I don't wanna see him anymore" Will added

"Okay" El nodded, throwing two thumbs up, the chestnut-haired boy rolled his eyes sitting back in his seat.

——2:35 pm——

Will quickly went home after school to collect his disguise knowing he won't have time to come home and change after his shift, he sighed throwing the wig in his bag. El waits outside the house in the car with Max, the two girls chat in the front seat Holding hands lovingly gazing in each other's eyes. He jumped in the back seat, bag in hand smiling buckling his seatbelt

"Excuse me people! some of us can't be late for our jobs" he chuckled placing the bags next to him, the two girls flinch while Max blushed leaning herself back into the seat. The drive was full of chatter Max spoke about every topic on her mind while the brunette listens lovingly, a smile creeped on El's face

Upon reaching the parking lot Will jumped out immediately checking his phone for the time, he would almost be late but if he ran now, he could make it, waving goodbye to the two girls he ran towards the entrance of the building that read Starcourt. He sprinted to the stairs practically flying down them rushing to Scoops Ahoy, pass the counter to the backroom hearing the faint lullabies of the store fill the air.

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now