9- Meet The Wheelers

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——7:04 pm——

Will stood in the middle of the street, he fixed the wig on his head tapping his foot up and down nervously shaking his leg, holding the large bouquet in his hands he scratched the sleeve of his arm. Will wore a white shirt and large tie as well as tight black jeans with chains

He was nervous, Will looked around the street waiting for Mikes car. He took a step forward, searching for his car to arrive

Honk Honk

A black car rolled up beside him, Mike parked jumping out the car towards the smaller boy who met him with a smile. Mike wore a classic black and white suit, opening the passenger side door for Will, he got in struggling to fit himself into the car,

"Oops" he mumbled to himself as his flowers got stuck in the door frame. He rearranged the bouquet to fit inside like a jigsaw. Chuckling he sat comfortably attempting to buckle the seatbelt but struggled due to the flowers that covered his face.

"Do you need some help?" Mike chuckled slipping into his seat,

"Yes please" Will nodded

"Okay just give me a second" Mike attempted to grab the buckle, bringing it towards him

"It's stuck" he added, crouching above Will who remained stationary slightly ducking down covering his face with the flowers, with one swift motion Mike clicks the buckle in. Will blushed being this close to an attractive guy. As mike just sat back in his seat doing his own seatbelt. Will composed himself sitting up straight in his seat, clearing his throat

"Thank you" he cheeped

"It's fine! Anything for my 'boyfriend'" Mike air quoted, he giggled, taking out something from his pocket he placed it into Wills hand

"Your phone" Mike grinned

"Oh thanks... it looks very clean" Will said furrowing his brows

"Yeah, I saw the screen cracked so I went to fix it for you" Mike smiled at the smaller boy

"Oh gosh! You didn't need to do that" Will reprimanded

"Haha, it's fine! I have the money for it" Mike smiled, he started the engine placing the keys into the ignition driving towards his parents' house, he doesn't know why but he felt like a bundle of nerves introducing Will to his parents even if they weren't really dating, he shook his head snapping out of thought

"Why do you have a bouquet?" Mike spoke to break the uncomfortable silence

"Umm it's for your family, I thought I should bring something and well I think it would be a little inappropriate bringing wine, but then again I'm not really sure what else I could give" Will rambled tripping over his own tongue. Mike smiled at him, keeping one eye on the road with the other on Will

"Will it's okay! I'm sure my parents will like you" Mike honestly hoped that would be the case

"Sorry, sorry" Will jumped in his seat

"You have nothing to apologise for" Mike said turning the wheel to make a right turn

"Haha sorry" Will nervously giggled, Mike rolled his eyes chuckling

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now