5- Mama Bear Steve

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The trio jumped in the car inching closer to the café that Will agreed to meet Mike, tapping his leg up and down, sitting in the back while Steve and Robin in the front.

"Soo where exactly did you get the wig from?" Robin asked turning her body toward the chestnut-haired boy.

"Oh, El gave it to me" Will admitted, holding a few strands of hair towards Robin

"Ohhh it's really realistic and soft" She looked in awe grabbing a few tuffs of hair shoving it into Steve's face. Steve rolled his eyes focusing on the road

"I'm trying to focus" He stated in a monotone manner

"Why so serious Harrington?" Robin pouted,

"I'm just worried for Byers" Steve tightened his grip on the steering wheel

"Aww little Stevie has a soft spot for Will" Robin joked, poking the boy in the face

"Robin it's not funny" Steve turned an eye to her

"I'll be fine Steve, really" Will said

"You're going to be on look out the whole time! so don't worry!" He added

Reaching the café parking lot, Will took a deep breath opening the door to the car, he felt a tug on the sleeve of his oversized striped jumper. It was Steve

"Please be safe" Steve mouthed, Will nodded releasing himself from the tug and walking toward the entrance of the café. Soaking in the ambience of the area he saw the café was nicely decorated, clean floors and greeted by the workers smiling at him. Will exchanged smiles walking toward a table and a high stool. He attempted to jump up to the stool but found it difficult due to his tight jeans

"Why are these pants so tight" Will stretched jumping up to the seat.

Watching out the window, Will looked at the car that had Steve and Robin inside seeing the two twenty-four-year-olds waving at him. Will rolled his eyes at the pair; his face then morphing into a bright smile.

From across the café Mike stood at the entrance scanning around. He unlocked his phone, calling El holding the phone against his ear



No answer... The phone went straight to voicemail. He tried to call again continually looking around seeing the mullet of the smaller boy, he held the phone to his ear again walking towards the boy scrolling through his phone

"Did you get my call?" The ravenette questioned, Will tilted his head upwards to face Mike. Maintaining an unchanging look on his face Will pursed his lips

"What?" He checked his phone, scrunching his eyes. Mike snatched the phone from his hands, punching some numbers into the contacts

"Here's my number" The ravenette passed the phone

"Why do you have two phones?" Mike questioned

"Oh umm I just do" Will nervously chuckled scratching the back of his neck

"Why is it such an old phone anyway?" Mike whined eyeing Will's old iPhone

"Because I can't afford a new one" Will joked, sarcastically rolling his eyes

"I thought you had 'daddy's money'?" Mike mocked.

"Oh, I mean of course I do! I meant that I can't afford to lose the memories with my phone" Will giggled, nervously playing with the wig hair. He broke eye contact with Mike watching out the window towards his two friends in the car

"Sure, you do" Mike said, raising an eyebrow able to tell Will is lying

"This isn't a social visit by the way; I just came here to say that don't text me or call me again" Will plainly spoke, jumping off his stool walking away from Mike, He leaves the café making his way toward Steve's car.

"Wait" Mike grabbed his hand, Will flinched, a scowl on his face. Will felt a shiver through his arms; feeling a weird sensation from Mike's touch. He pulled his arm away

"Don't touch me!" Will shouted, turning his attention to Mike. The ravenette grabbed his wrist again. Mike tightened his grip, slightly twisting Will's arm in the process, pain began to shoot up his arm as he tried to pull away. Will winced in pain producing a small yelping sound

"Let. Go." He sternly said, trying to wriggle his hand out of Mike's grasp. Steve sees them, getting out his car. He marched towards them,

"He said don't touch him" Steve sternly protected the smaller boy, standing between Mike and Will creating a barrier between the two. Mike loosened his grip on his wrist, allowing Will to yank his own arm away caressing his wrist, feeling the area Mike had touched him.

Robin rushed out the car to the trio, she walked over to Will wrapping a comforting arm over him, leading him to the car, she exchanged a glance with the ravenette scowling at him

"Are you okay?" Robin whispered softly to the younger boy, Will doesn't exchange any words only meekly nodding his head as he sits in the back seat of the car, focusing his eyes on the pair of Steve and Mike. He can't make out anything they were saying but he could see them under the light of the fluorescent streetlamp, Steve appears to be getting angrier placing both arms on his hips, he bumps shoulder with Mike appearing to give him one last warning before prowling back to the car,

"Never meet him again" Steve noted, turning the key in the ignition

"Don't be so harsh on him Steve, he's in shock" Robin said turning to look at the two boys. Will just sat in the back looking out the window digesting the events that Took place.

The ride remained in silence until the trio had reached Will's house. Will got out the car, walking his way to his front door jingling the keys to open it, exchanging a wave to Steve and Robin in the process.

"SEE YOU TOMORROW WILL!" Robin shouted her body half out the window waving. Will smiled watching the two friends zoom off into the night.. he slowly opened the door, feeling the silence lingering as he approached his room throwing his wig on the bed 


1000 Words

Stay Safe <3

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