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with a prodigy who's best skill is his foresight and prowess over the field, pushed you to develop a skill to combat his. If you thought to much about your next move your skill no longer worked, therefore it required you to 'turn off your brain.'

"It's definitely okay right?" Rin's parents expressed their concerns about the two of you in his bedroom alone.

"There not home and besides..what they don't know doesn't hurt them." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Besides we're not going to do anything like they think we will, their just overreacting.. Your mom allows us to be alone so it can't be that big of a deal."

"Yeah, but were not at my place. As long as you take the blame if we get caught." Footsteps clattered outside the door, immediately shutting the both of you up as you held your breathe.

"I thought they weren't going to be home for another hour or two.." The dark haired boy beside you whispered in fear, tightly squeezing your hand in his.

"Well I thought so to since that's what you told me!" You complained, whisper shouting. "Should I stay in your guest room tonight then?"

"Guess you'll have to.." Impatiently waiting in silence, for the inevitable lecture you were going to receive from itoshis, you brace yourself for the argument you'd have to sit through and watch.

"Dumbasses, it's just me." The familiar voice of sae behind the closed door, instantly relaxed your tense muscles. "And don't worry..I won't tell." The creaking of the floorboards and the heavy thud of the older itoshis boots, indicating he was going out.

"That asshole..he should've said it was just him earlier." All that rin wanted was his brother back, but you know he'd never admit that out loud to you. You've pushed him to open up to you about it but he insists that since sae treated you badly as well, that he didn't want anything to do with him. He probably said that not only because he's your best friend and cares for you, but probably to convince you that it was okay and he no longer wanted to work for their old relationship. That he couldn't forgive sae for bringing you into it as well. But honestly..

It only made you feel worse.

If he was trying to reassure with his reasoning, it wasn't working. You only felt guilty, as if you were in the way of their relationship.

"Hey rin..Do you remember how we all met..?" The memory constantly weighed heavily on your mind, ever since sae's change it became a core memory for you.

"Im not sure, that was a long time ago n/n." The buzzing in your pocket cut your conversation off, you fish your phone out and quickly swipe to answer the call.

'It's mom..' Ignoring the annoying notifications from a certain German 'ex' of yours, if you could even call him that.. 'Edating...biggest mistake of my life..' You put the phone up to your ear, "Mom? You alright..?" She usually never called while you were over at the itoshi's house, so it was hard not to be scared. She never wanted you to hear anything that might be going on in the background, so for that reason, she only ever texted.

"Of course I am, sorry sweetheart, were you worried?" She laughed sweetly, but she couldn't conceal the yelling in the background. "I called because I have something for youu!" The smile in her voice evident.

"You got a letter saying..That your invited to some sort of, program?" The sound of a door shut behind her, the screaming now muffled.

"What's she saying?" Rin held his head next to the phone against your ear but still couldn't understand.

"I got invited to some program I guess." You shrug your shoulders, as you were also confused. "Unless its an all girls thing, maybe you got one to?"

"I'll go check, wait here." He got up off the bed, the weight of the mattress shifting at the empty spot beside you. "Hell's this?" Rin leaned down and showed you the letter in his hand. "I got one to." Sae must've slid it under the door.. Rin circled back to you and opened the letter, his leg intertwining with yours once more. Any time he was close to you, he'd unconsciously have some part of his body against yours. Whether it was his abandonment issues or not, he was attached in one way or another.

"So are we going?" He asked softly, showing you the content in the letter.

"What you not going if I don't?" You joked but he nodded, to which you only smiled and directed your attention back to your mom. "So can I go?"

"If that would make you happy then of course, but pass the phone to rin real quick." Passing it off to the confused boy, you mouth 'she wants to talk to you.'

"Yes Ms. L/n?"

"Please just call me mom, but what I wanted to say was.."

"Of course...mom." He said hesitantly.


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