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─────────────────────────"𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄

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Rin layed in the futon beside yours, facing towards the wall. Since your talk with him earlier he hasn't said a word to you. You've gotten 'responses' from him but only in the form of hums and huff's.

The thought of rin was clouding your mind and was the reason you were the only one left awake. Turning to your other side to face your blonde friend, who was sprawled out on his back, mouth wide open with drool running down his chin as he snored.
You poked his side, trying to wake him. "Mom... No.." He smacked your hand away and kicked his legs out.

'His poor mom..' Just thinking about raising him made you tired, and for all that work you get kicked for waking him...

He woke himself up by all his movement, squinting his tired eyes, he turned his head to look over at you. "Bro did you wake me?"

"Well yes..but you also kinda woke yourself..."

"Just go to sleep..." He turned over on his side, faceing away from you.

"Wait shidou..i can't sleep right now, be my therapist for just a little bit?" You scooted closer to him and continued to poke at his back so that he wouldn't fall back asleep.

"No man have your sad boy hours on by yourself.." He swatted your hand away from him and covered his whole body with his blanket.

"Get yo ass out here, please ryusei I need you."

He remained still and didn't answer. Assuming he went back to sleep or was now ignoring you and trying to fall back asleep, you layed down on your back and pulled your covers up.

Talking to shidou, even if it wasn't much still helped you get your mind off rin and you were finally able to at least let out a yawn.

You shut your eyes for a minute and tried to let fatigue wash over you.

"thought you said you needed me."

You quickly sat up in shock and silently gasped. Mouth wide open, but nothing came out. Your eyes wide in surprise, and your heart was pounding. Having been on the verge of sleep the sudden break of silence gave you a heart attack.

He covered his mouth with his hand and held in his laugh, a concert sounding in his throat.

"I don't need you anymore. Go back to sleep." You glared and layed back down, your heart finally ceasing it's pace, and returning to normal.


A sudden blow to your ribs woke you up, clutching onto your side in pain you groaned at the sting. Opening your eyes to see the culprit, you see shidou on his stomach arms and legs spread out, laying across his bed, feet facing you.

Sighing and looking around the room, you see that your whole team was gone. 'What the hell? What time is it?' Turning to the only cock in the room you see that breakfast has already started. 'He didn't even wake me up.. Seriously what's wrong with him.?'

You tapped shidou's leg, that being the only part of him you could touch. He rolled onto his side, attempting to escape you. "Five more minutes or I'll kick your ass.... " he slurred, still half asleep but you persisted.

"We're gonna miss breakfast." Your words catching his attention, he immediately opened his eyes and startled you.

"We're gonna what?! What time is it?" He frantically moved his head to see the clock. "It's almost half way over! Why didn't anyone wake us up?" Finally taking notice of the empty room, that their team had abandoned them in.

"If I had to guess, it's probably something to do with rin... "

"That bastard.. Seriously what's his issue? Isn't he like head over heels for you or something?"


"I'm joking, I'm joking... Kind of... But you know what I mean! If he's meant to be like your bestie or whateva whats his damage?"

"I really don't know."


Opening the doors to the cafeteria, shidou was beyond pissed. The looks your teammates gave you, pissed you off to. They were pitying you.

"So what's the deal? You just not gonna say shit?" Your blonde friend spits out. Mainly directed at rin, your suspect for the behavior.

"There is no 'deal', your making something out of nothing. Like always." Rin says with more malice than usual, continuing to not look your way.

Your team put their heads down, keeping their eyes fixated on their food, completely shutting down any ideas of them getting involved. "Is it cuz you haven't jerked one in awhile? Go to the bathroom or something.. It's a solveable problem." Ryusei shrugged with a small frown on his face.

"What..? God you and your stupid jokes are as annoying as usual. "

"Jokes? Bro I'm dead serious right now."

Before Rin could open his mouth to retort at shidous dumbass comments you step in and speak. "Hey rin you know you can talk to me.. Right? If some things bothering you, don't push me away."

"I'm not pushing you away. Nothings wrong."

"You can't be serious.. You've been acting totally different since yesterday, don't fuck with me." He finally looks at you and that gave you hope for a good reaction.

But you were wrong.

"Is it so bad to want space? Your so fucking clingy."

"What did you sa-" Shidou curses at rin but cuts himself off when you mutter.

"Clingy..? Rin you asshole." Your unwavering voice was not complimented by your shaky breathe as you turn around and leave the cafeteria. Shidou stands there where you left him, looking back at you as you leave, in both worry and pity. He turns back to rin and gives him a thumbs down and scatters to quickly grab food for you both and follows after you.

Your head hurt by the way your brows were glued down as you furrowed them.



𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐛𝐠 🤭

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