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Ego explains the way the game would work, as the screen shows images of holograms illustrating the match as an example. A ball dropped from the ceiling and landed in front of one of the guys. "Take a look at the number on your shoulder. That represents your rank. The one with the lowest rank starts with the ball." The video changed into a timer.

"Damn so I'm first then?" Three short blasts indicated the kick off. The guy punted the ball and targeted the second lowest ranked player.

"Hey dude you can't target!" The target kept dodging the ball that was kicked full force at him.

"Your not a grade schooler, targeting isn't against the rules!" The second worst player hid behind the rest today the group that was running away from him and the ball. The time started to wear down and he started to panic. Frantically kicking the ball in every direction, no longer targeting anyone in particular.

"Shit, please I just need one person! Someone just stand still." He was desperate, eyes glossy with tears that pricked his eyes.

"Give it here."

He whipped his head to look behind him and saw you smirking, holding your hand out, moving your fingers back and forth, egging him on. He quickly kicked the ball at you and you you stopped it, turning your foot to control it. Your image was now on the screen, implying your 'it'.

Everyone stood still, muscles tense, waiting for your next move. Suddenly with 45 seconds left on the clock, you darted at a certain black haired boy. Your friend that has been running with you in this first test up until now. Sprinting around and kicking the ball at rin and st the walls behind him to have a possible rebound hit him.

"I don't want you to be eliminated, but we've never played tag before and I plan to win." You turn around and kick the ball with your heel hoping to throw his foresight off a little, ultimately still missing your target. "But I know that if I do tag you, that you can get somebody else no matter how much time is left." You continued to charge him and plow the ball his way.

"Shes going after the best guy here? The hell is she thinking?"

"Not only the best guy but her friend too."

"That's so hot." The blonde spoke, almost moaned, with a euphoric look on his face. His comment causing everyone to turn to him and look at him in horror and disgust. "What? What'd I say?"

Ten seconds remained on the clock and worry or panic still hadn't set over you yet. Rin kept running through the field escaping you and the ball, nearing a corner of the room. Seeing the opening you aimed and shot it into the corner. Rin was distracted by where the ball would bounce back and his attention was no longer on you. Taking that chance you charged behind him and took back control of the ball. Shooting the ball at Rin and jumped leaving himself defenseless in mid air. Your true aim having been the ground a couple feet in front of rin, the ball bounced up and hit his chest. Everyone in the room was impressed. That included Rin.

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