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"Chigiri look, it's your twin. And she's probably just as bad of a player as you are." The blonde mocked, catching the attention of both yours and his team.

"Cut it out." The one you assumed was chigiri said.

"What'd you say about her..?" Your team stood back hovering around the meal area, agitated looks on their faces.

"What? It's not like I said anything wrong." The blonde defended himself with a sharp thoothed smile plastered across his face.

"You cannot be for real right now." Shidou stopped stuffing his face. "Your hurt because a girl is better than you?"

The blonde, sharp thoothed boy dropped his fork and stood up, slamming his hands on the table. "The fuck did you say..?"

"She's way higher of a level then ur ass. Shark teeth." Shidou dragged out the 'nickname'.

"Then it was clearly a mistake, now wasn't it?"

"Fragile masculinity." You whispered under your breathe, although not going unnoticed by the rest of the group.

"Ex-fucking-scuse me?" Raichi, the name you learned from the pleas of his teammates, turned his head to you, looking as though he was ready to attack you at your next words.

"Calm down Blondie she's right." Rin finally said his first words in the conversation. "Your on the lowest team, I'd say u have no room to talk. Her rank is far above your's."

"Your still in building 5, the weakest building with the rest of us. So you clearly ain't that good." Raichi smirked, knowing that others were better than you.

"Doesn't matter, what matters is that we're still better than you." You say, your back turned to face team z as you grab your meal, preparing to take it 'to go' and eat it back in your room rather than eat it in the presence of raichi. "If you wanna fight, I'll beat ur ass out on the field. Bring some tissues." Your team picked up their trays and left with you but not before a few of them flipped off the other team, and shidou sticking his tongue out with his finger pointed to his ass.


You and your team readied yourselves for the match. You ignore the slight butterflies in your stomach and anxiety of not being able to live up to all you talked in the cafeteria. Shaking it off you followed your team down the narrow hall, nearing the field.

Even with the image being blurry you could tell which one raichi was. The image of a blurry figure yelling at his teammates and standing on his tip toes to look through your team, most likely looking for you.

You walked through the end as the 'door' closed behind you. Finally seeing a clear picture of raichi, a smirk grew on your face at his anger. "Ready to get ur ass kicked sharky?" He grit his teeth at your remark.

"Ready to get sent back to pink lock?" And simply flipped you off. Frankly, you were expecting a bit more.

Shidou was pissed off for you and 'pulled his finger out of his ass' with an annoying pouty face. He flipped him off while saying "oh no where'd that come from..? It won't go down" all the while flipping his hand over his finger resulting in it popping back up.


"You damn four eyes!"

"I don't wear glasses."

Your two friends fought for the ball.
The match is nearing it's end, and these two just won't stop.

"Are you sayin I'm stupid?"

"Didn't say that but yes."

Shidou stopped dribbling the ball and turned his full attention to rin. Team z took the chance of finally having a chance again of taking control of the ball. 'Shit.' Breaking through the fighting duo, you steal the ball before your opponents have the opportunity.

"So your not just a manager then, eh?" Raichi caught up to you on the left side, arm extended across you trying to stop you.

A scowl crossed your face as the shark teethed boy attempted to provoked you, and it worked. Opening your mouth to retialite, a figure approaches your right side. Your ravenette friend sprinted beside you, "Leave 'em be. It's lukewarm to fight over something so trivial. "

The irony.
The fucking irony.

You passed to rin, done with raichi on your ass. Rin separated from you and passed through the defenders.

A navy blue haired boy seemed to be the only one on the team who could keep up with rins crazy plays. You weren't able to hear what they were staying but Rin was unusually worked up.

That was the first time you'd seen him enjoy playing that much with anyone besides you and his brother.


"Hell yea! I knew we'd win again!!"

"For real, with these three I'm not sure we could ever lose." Your team celebrates on your win once again, but this time something felt a little off for you.

"Hey rin, what was going on between you and isagi?"

"What you mean? We were just playing the game..?"

"Well duh..? That's not what I mean. You don't normally act out like that."

"Your over thinking it. Like you always do." He gets up and walks away before you had the chance to say anything else.

"Nah fuckers under thinking it." Shidou wraps his arm around your shoulder, standing slightly behind you from where you sat."There was definitely something, man's was feelin' shit."

"I agree with that. He's not usually like that with his opponent's."

"That so? Didn't seem like it, bro doesn't give that typa vibe." He unwraps his arm from around you and sits down next to you. "Whys he denying it tho? If he was enjoyin himself than why's he sayin' he didn't?"


𝐈 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧' 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 🤗

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