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Sitting shoulder to shoulder in the dimly lit room, you and your team watched the replays from team z's match against team x. It was awful, just plain awful. They had no coordination whatsoever. "Their all fighting for the ball it's pathetic." Your team continued to make fun of team z, as people started to clear out and get to bed. The match ended and only the three of you were left in the room.

"Alright well.. wanna grab a snack real quick before bed?"


You opened the double doors to the cafeteria, while talkin to your friends. Laughing at their bickering, you fixate your gaze onto two brightly colored boys. "Hey reo, nagi! You two were great out there." You grab a snack with your prize ticket and head over to the two guys.

"Shit nagi, your fucking amazing! Why'd you keep your football talent a secret from me?"

"Oh thanks n/n, but I didn't mean to 'keep it a secret from you'. I just started playing not to long ago, so I'm still pretty new." His white hair moving on his forehead with every breathe, nagi kept his hunched over position on the table, never once peeling his eyes away from his phone.

"Still pretty new? Shit wish I had that much natural talent." Reo chuckled at your words, holding the nape of his neck. Shidou slowly inched his way behind nagi and snatched his phone from him.

"The hell are you even playin?" The blonde held the phone dangling it with one hand, inspecting it. "Y'know grandpa my bed is next to hers, in both minecraft and in real life." He bragged, pulling out the chair beside the lazy genius, who didn't even attempt to move when shidou stole his phone.

"She knew me first. Do better." An irk mark appeared on shidou's forehead at nagi's remark as he took back his phone and absorbed himself back into the game.

"I am better! I killed her cat last night in Minecraft." Nagi dead panned, turning his head to stare at shidou, who boasted with pride.

"That's.. a good thing?"

"Duh, dumbass. Have you not-? Wait you haven't, have you?! Hah! Then I beat you!" You shook your head at shidou's stupidity and took a seat next to reo and rin followed.

You chatted with reo and tried your best to add rin in the conversation. Your dark haired friend sat their awkwardly in the middle of shidou and nagi's chaos and you and reo's calm and sensible conversation.

You notice rin's discomfort and quickly rap up your talk with reo and nagi. "Oh, do you three need to get to bed? We're sorry for keeping you." Reo apologized for both himself and nagi.

"No please dont worry about it! It's just we've got match tomorrow so we really do have to get going." You waved goodbye dragging an enraged shidou behind you, heading back to your room, and going to bed.


An annoying finger poked at your back. The darkness of your eyelids being the only comfort in your half-asleep state. Swatting the hand away, while keeping your eyes shut, a familiar and annoying laugh pounded through your ears.

"Shidou.. What're you doin'."

"Aww how'd you know it was me?" Prying your eyes open to see a pouting blonde in front of you.

"How wouldn't I." You sat up holding your head and looked on your other side to see rin folding his sheets and making his bed.


"Morning." Greeting your rather straight laced friend who's bed head that only slightly differed from his usual.

"Bro I'm so hungry! I don't to wait for the assigned timee..." The blonde next to you whined, rubbing his stomach.

"You heard the man. Maybe the team before us is done a lil early.." Your teammate said and ran his finger down the paper landing it on yours and the team given breakfast before you.

"Who cares if they're done or not? Either way we're going, I'm gonna die if we don't!" Shidou swayed side to side, holding his head back as he complained.

"We get it freak, we're going just shut up." Rin finished making your bed for you, all the while glaring down shidou.


"Oh shit, there still in there.." Stopping in front of the cafeteria doors, your team stumbled over eachother at the sudden movement. The loud muffled voices of a rival team on the other side of the door.

"Dude like I said, I don't care! Just let me eat for fuck sake." Shidou clawed his way to the front of the team and blast open the doors. You and your team anxiously held him back and in attempt to stop his intrusion, resulting in chaos abrubting in the doorway.

"He's already done it, just look at the way their staring at you guys." Rin walked past you guys with his usual unbothered face. You looked past him to see the utter confusion plastered on the team who you interrupted. "They think we're idiots, just let him go."

Letting go off the rabid animal, he fled to grab his meal with drool practically flooding out his mouth. "Sorry for intruding, pretend like we're not here." You apologize on behalf of your team who has all gone and ditched you and joined shidou in there hunt for food. You turned your back to join them as well before a blonde shark teethed boy spoke.

"You their manager or something?"


Bro I'm so sorry if this is shit 💀 my ass literally just got stolen from with no way to prove it 💋 but we up🔥🔥

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