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Maybe ryu just wanted him to feel bad. He didn't want to tell rin anything that made him jealous, but he wanted him to remember a core memory of yours. You told him long before the initial fight had even happened, before rin had begun to feel threatened by ryu.

5 ʏᴇᴀʀs ᴀɢᴏ

"Do you guys ever just go to sleep?" Sae peeked his head over the top bunk that he'd claimed.

"Just go to bed." Rin slipped a word scramble that they used as a bookmark, into the captain underpants comic he'd been reading to you. He sat up out of his sleeping bag and layed against the bottom bunk that he'd given to you.

"I can't when you're talking so loud." He frowned and hung over the railing. "It's lateeee, I just want to sleep...."

"We'll try to keep it down." You smile up at him, forcing his fake frown away.

"Yeah well, just try to finish up soon.." He grumbled, turning over with his blanket over him as you and rin laugh.

But as eleven year olds usually do, no matter how hard you try to keep quiet..you eventually forget and fade back into laughter and loud commentating on the book.

Once you remember you were meant to be quiet you slightly turn your head up, taking a small glance to see if sae was asleep.

But as you expected to see just the ceiling and the bump of his blankets, or him glaring down at you two..you didn't see either. Instead finding him over the railing, reading and listening with you.

He'd never admit it out loud, but he was glad you didn't listen. He was to embarrassed to come down and join you guys, but he wanted to.

As he was smiling and silently giggling along, you kept quiet about it, letting him enjoy in secret--as he'd probably act like he wasn't looking if you invited him down.


For some reason that sleepover--that one of many, stuck with you. Of course it wasn't the only one but maybe it was so important cause it was one of your last ones with sae.

But it seemed you weren't the only one who held it dear to their heart. Having ryu give him an entire recap made him remember. Rin cherished that night just as much as you did. He's kept that exact book on his dresser ever since.

It was stupid. But seeing it everyday was important to him, it was one of the last sleepovers he'd have with the two of you together.

And not being at home to be reminded of it ever morning and every night had made the thought not as prominent in his mind until now.

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