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You and rin came to blue lock together and the room that you and rin were waiting in, was almost completely empty and now was quite crowded. You were still unsure of what he promised to your mother, and he refused to tell you.

"Congratulations and welcome you diamonds in the rough." A tall skinny man walked out of the dark to the now lit up stage. Everyone talked to those around them as the man called ego overpowered the noise and continued his speech. Bits of anxiety bubbled up in your stomach and you looked looked down at your feet. Rin moved his gaze to look at you and took notice.

"C'mon let's sit down, this'll be awhile." He grabs you by your wrist gently and pulled you through the crowd and sat down at the wall. You lean on his arm and felt your eye lids grow heavy.

"If your tired then sleep, Ill wake you when something happens. I can't have you fallin asleep on me once we get in there."

You give into the fatigue that coursed through your body and rested your head on his shoulder, falling asleep.

You stirred awake by the sound of running and screaming. You turned your head to look at rin for an update. He placed his hands on his knees and got up, dusting himself off before extending his hand out. "C'mon, let's go." You grinned and happily took his hand, and before he could let go, you tightened your hold on him and dragged him, running with the crowd of guys.

After talking to Anri, a woman working with ego, who informed you that they hadn't exactly planned for any girls to come into blue lock and that there was no girls bathroom, bedrooms, or supplies. She said she'd supply you with any of your needs that were within her capabilities. You were thankful for at least one woman in here and that she was happy to help you.

'Shit, it's this one, right? She said take a right over there, so this has gotta be the right team..' Looking around making sure this was the right team, you anxiously walked through the automatic door.

There was a group of guys scattered about the room, some changing into the sports clothes that were handed out, some were minding their own business, and the rest were glaring everyone else down. No matter what they were doing, everyone's heads turned to look at the newcomer in their team.

You didn't recognize any of the guys that looked at you, no big shots that you'd ever heard of. One head didn't turn to look at you though. The back of that head looked awfully firmailar. 'Wait, I know that boring ass head!' Your eyes lit up, practically sparkled. Running over to the unbothered rin.

"Hey fucker! Thank God your on my team, I didn't wanna do this without ya, rin." Jumping on his back you put him in a headlock. He flinched in supirse and tapped your arm signaling surrender. Unwrapping your arms from his neck you relaxed on his back and drapped your arms over his shoulders and over his chest.

He hoisted you up, grabbing your thighs, supporting your legs. "Yea..and we just happened to get stuck on such a lukewarm team."

"They can hear you dumbass.. " you whisper shout pointing to your teammates who glared at the two of you.

"The hell man? You've been talking a lot of shit ever since you got here, so cmon then follow through! Lets go you asshole." A tanned guy with blonde hair and pink tips walked up to you and rin, clearly pissed off. He grabbed a fist full of rins suit and bashed his skull into him. Rin jerked back at the contact and blood oozed out of both their foreheads. The raven haired male clenched his jaw and tightened his grip on your legs.

"What you don't want to fight in front of your girl? You don't want her to see ya lose do ya?" He peered over rins shoulder with his hands now stuffed in his pockets, hunched over as smirked at you.

An irk mark appeared on your forehead with the blondes new comment. Breaking out of your friends hold you seethe, "I ain't 'his girl' fake tan."

The blonde stumbled back and rubbed his cheek with a wide grin plastered across his face. "Ohh my bad, my bad. Then that means I can have you screaming my name tonight then ya?" He laughed and took his long, slender finger and slid it up your throat.

Rin grabbed his wrist and squeezed it firmly. "Don't fucking touch her."

"Alright that's enough. Fighting is prohibited so anymore and I'll disqualify you both." The black screen lit up, ego appearing on the screen to break up the fight. The two let go of each other, shoving one another back. "Now then.."


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