Y/n's own Temple and A New Place.

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Thinking nothing of it, y/n picks up his backpack and sorts out the materials, having less than he thought... although during the crusade, Sherri had half of the materials and y/n took the other half.

After fully sorting out the materials and taking into account how much would be spent if anything else was built, he went to indoctrinate another follower to his cult, the donkey from before.

He went over to the pile of ruins rubble he and his followers put there and started to look through the pile, wanting to repurpose it as a potential home for himself, or maybe a couple of firepits, sky's the limit here.

An hour later and one of his followers asked y/n if he was hungry, he said yes and went to the cooking pot to cook up... lunch? for everyone, including himself.

While eating, y/n looked at his followers interacting with eachother, even he himself joining in on conversations and having a laugh with them! But something was nagging at him... it feels like... there's nobody to really connect with here... is this... loneliness? He finished and went back to sorting out the rubble, thinking on why he felt lonely in a crowd...

Before he realized it, the sun went down and he was *still* sorting through the rubble, finding some perfect bricks in the process. What he will use these bricks for will be a mystery... but while sorting through them, a beam of light shot up from the direction of Sherri's cult. Thinking nothing of it, y/n goes back to sorting through the rubble till dawn.

By the time dawn rolls around, y/n has almost finished looking through the rubble pile, finding a surprising ammount of usable bricks, wondering what he'll build with them. Unknowingly, he speaks aloud to nobody in particular.

Y/n: would a couple firepits be useful here?

Y/n: maybe... I could ask Sherri for help... nah, it's... early, don't wanna bother her this early...

Y/n: there is that wooden triangle in her cult grounds... what is that thing? how would it benefit me?

Ratau: It's called a temple and a cult leader such as yourself should have one. It also would be a place for giving sermons and the like.

Y/n: ah, thanks Ratau.

Ratau: Anytime y/n.

[Ratau dissappears as fast as he appeared.]

Y/n: Wait a fuckin minute-

Before y/n could do anything, he was gone, in which y/n just gave up trying to use reason for things and went to build a blueprint for his stone and wood temple. A image of a nicely painted triangle of a place against a wall that *isn't* falling or about to fall over, now to find a place.

Coincidentally, the perfect wall was right near the star, how has he not noticed that? Just got to clean the moss off of it and wham! Sturdy temple wall. Then again, the moss could be covering up obvious hazards... he decides to clean it first, then judge whether or not to build against it.

It's looking like his day would be an uneventful one and somehow he's not feeling tired, very strange... no matter, he's gotta scrape off the moss and overgrowth...

An odd thought made its way into y/n's mind, why was he here? The storm hut and he appeared in Darkwoods, but that's about it. Sure, The One Who Waits gave him a mission to help the lamb, but that's an option to do so... right? 'Damn that chained cat...' was what y/n was thinking whenever he thought of him.

After a while and no followers coming up towards him strangely, he cleared apart of the wall. His spine started to hurt, so he sat down and looked at the wall, seeing no cracks or structural issues on the wall, such a promising sign! Exept the overgrowth around the cleared part started to cover it again, surprising and annoying y/n. So he got up and started.to clear it out again, but it kept growing back, even so far as growing on his hands! He started to get worried about the overgrowth here, so he decided to leave the wall... but the plants wouldn't let go and he couldn't remove the plants fast enough.

What A Cult! (a male reader insert of: Cult Of The Lamb.)Where stories live. Discover now