Life And Death

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The next day, Sherri could reliably walk again, so she decided to finally talk with The One Who Waits. She walked to the center room where she could travel to any of the domains of the late bishops and sees the massive door in the back with one chain finally break open, the chain disappeared and the door shatters open, Sherri walking right through it like it was a normal thing to happen.

A singular altar was what she would've expected, but it wasn't an altar, it was a pentagram.. and the damnest thing is that there were two of them! One white and one dark red... hmm... and from the looks of it, both needed around 20 or so followers to go through... Good thing she has 23 followers then!


The next day, The Compound was.. sad, to say the least. The wisest, eldest follower known as Check has died the morning prior.. now all of the followers were gathered at Apathy Cliff, waiting for their leader to speak any words....

Y/n: Thank you all for.. *ahem* attending this funeral. As you.. as you all know a very valued member of our cult has.. has died last evening.. a-and...

[Sniffles were in the crowd, some were sobbing, y/n tried to be strong but emotions aren't that easy to conceal for him when things are horribly bad]

Y/n: I-im sorry, give me a moment-

He steps away from the altar (moved out to the cliff for convenience sake.) and left for a moment, tears streaming down his face. Nobody says anything, but they all know.. this death has hit him the hardest.. he refused to eat anything since Check died.. much to the dismay of the head doctor..

His crown isn't responding to him either, its just sitting on his head without glowing or doing... anything regarding helping him.


Arriving at the... wait, wouldn't this be hell or something? Anyways- arriving where she first was summoned into these chain ridden plains, she walked down the faux path right after grabbing weapons that were there conveniently and got face to face with The One Who Waits... Narinder.

Narinder: Vessel, I relinquish you from your service to the Red Crown. Return it to me, and embrace the end that awaits. With this last sacrifice of my most devoted Follower, I will be freed.

[Narinder gets a smile Sherri can barely see underneath his.. face covering thing]

Narinder: Finally.. I will be FREE!

[For one reason or another, Sherri's mind went to y/n.. thinking about him.. hoping that this won't be as hard as she think it'll be]

Narinder: Approach, vessel, and lay your life down at my feet.

Two big cages fall from the sky(?) and Sherri's followers was summoned into them! They all were scared and confused. She slowly walked forward, onto the pentagram she knows all too well. The Red Crown slowly floated down into her hands and... she started to cry.

Tears flowed down her face as she looked at the... no. As she looked at her crown.. the memories of her cult, the highs and lows, and... and y/n. He loved her and she loved him, if she died... No. No she can't die here, not to him, no. She Refuses to die at Narinders feet.

The anguish and sadness was engulfed and replaced by determination and rage. Her eyes become red as she roared, slightly rising up from the ground and, for a moment, gained red wings as a kind of red lightning hit her. Her Red Crown flew around her and eventually landed in her hand, becoming an axe.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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