A Nice Break Doesn't Last.

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Waking up to the next day, y/n immediately gets to work carving out some hand sized, well, hand sized for him, wood statues... or would they be figures? Either way, he begins his newfound hobby by grabbing his knife, and starts carving... but stops when he realizes he has no... what's the word again..? Oh! He's got no model to base his carving off of! He takes his things and leaves his temple to wander around his compound, seeing if he can find a good model.

Unnoticed by anyone was a bishop behind some ruined walls, stalk- erm... "observing" y/n and what he's doing on a daily basis, beginning about 2-3 days ago. They see that he's holding small chunks of wood and a knife, looking around his cult, what could he be doing with all that? Some type of new sacrifice? Or is it something more sinist- oh no, he's coming this way-

Y/n was stuck in thought, noticing that it happens often now, he walks until he gets behind a ruined wall. He puts his stuff down and sits against the wall... only to notice a statue of a bishop right next to him, towering over him. Seeing nothing else to do and nothing else to model, he gets his wood and knife and sits a good distance away from the statue, beginning his wood carving with removing bits of wood at a time, to get the size and details of the head of the statue better.

As his first thing he's making via wood carving, he isn't expecting much from it, looking back and forth from the statue and to the wood in his hand. He keeps on slowly carving the wood into the shape of the statue, occasionally stopping to check how he's doing with it.
Time goes by and the details on the carving is showing, it's almost like the exact statue breathing in front of him, a few feet away of course.

Without even realizing it, almost half the day goes by and the carving is almost done, just a few nitty-gritty details to get etched in there, y/n being completely oblivious to the fact that the statue is breathing... or is he? No matter though, as almost half an hour later, its done! The mini wooden statue is carved out and complete! Getting up and collecting his things, y/n thanks the statue and leaves to go and interact with his followers... while the statue finally moves after half a day of sitting completely still... eh, still-ish.

The stat- bishop was leaving immediately, black and red portal goop underneath them and all. Coincidentally, y/n returned to see if he left something at the spot, he thought he did, but didn't... oh, he also noticed the statue was gone, mumbling something to himself.

Y/n: knew it...

(He holds the wooden figure of a spider looking bishop)

Y/n: spying on me... which one is this one? Gotta ask around... no, no... cause panic for my followers... maybe the cat? Surely the cat would know... how would I even get to him...

(He thinks on this for a bit, until...)

Y/n: Sherri... she has direct connections to him, right? So... maybe I can ask her...

With a plan in mind, he grabs his things and goes to Sherri's cult, to get answers and to see her again. How was she doing? A visit wouldn't be suspicious or conspicuous at all, just a friendly visit. Slowly ease into the subject of... the bishops. Maybe mask it as info for future fights? Yeah, yeah... that'll work.

Coming out of his thoughts y/n arrived at Sherri's cult grounds and started to look for her, taking note of many sick followers... hmm. Mulling around for a while, chatting with a few followers, learing that Sherri went on a crusade in another new place, so y/n opted to wait and help out around there.

About a quarter of the day passes and Sherri comes back looking all ruffled up, a bit of a mess really. Storing the rewards of the crusade, she gets ready to do all the things that a leader should do: Make food for her followers, fix one of the broken beds, reap the farmlands, talk to every one of her followers, collect the devotion from them and the statue of her, lay out new blueprints she's learned through "upgrades"- whatever that means.. build those blueprints- its a lot, and at the end of it all, she's gotta do a sermon.

What A Cult! (a male reader insert of: Cult Of The Lamb.)Where stories live. Discover now