Heart of a Heretic.

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The sun rose as y/n shielded his tired eyes from it, having worked on blueprints for building things all over his compound all night, he failed to realize how long it would take. As his few followers wake up, they are surprised to see their leader awake this early, looking very tired.

Although y/n assured them that he was fine to work today, his followers kept insisting for him to get some rest. Eventually, he caved in and went to his own sleeping bag, which looks 2x bigger than the others. He lays down, expecting to take a while to sleep, but falls asleep near instantly, making his followers let go a breath of relief.

The compounds star turned into a pentagram and The Lamb rose from it. Not expecting anyone to greet her when she got there, she got a bit confused, but when she looked around, she saw the compound completely cleared of all debris. 4 cultists with white and black robes are building things around the place while a bigger than average sleeping bag is occupied. One of the followers walk up to Sherri to greet her.

Check: Lamb! Hello! How are you?

Sherri: I'm doing good, this place is looking good! How long did it take you all to clean it?

Check: About a day, but Leader y/n didn't go to sleep last night, opting to make blueprints instead of sleep...

Sherri: oh... well, I just came to see how y/n's cult is doing.

Check: As you can see, we're doing great! You want to help?

Sherri: I'm sorry, but no. I actually came here for another reason... to collect y/n.

Check: That's fine, but why do you need y/n?

Sherri: I was thinking he could help with my last crusade in Darkwoods.

Check: Last crusade in Darkwoods? Why is it your last?

Sherri: Well... I can't tell you, but I'm moving on to another place to crusade when I'm done in Darkwoods.

Check: Alright then, I'll go get Leader!

Heck walked over to y/n to awake him from his... restless slumber? When Check got to y/n, he was tossing and turning in his sleep. Taking action, Check tried shaking y/n to awake him from his terrible dream, and it worked! Breathing rapidly and heavily, y/n was awoken from a dreamless nightmare... all of everything was ripped from him in front of his eyes... family, friends, homes, even enemies, all was not safe.

Y/n looked to who awoke him and Check was there, with a worried look on his face. Y/n reassured him that it wasn't as bad as he thinks it is, but Check didn't believe him... but he acted like he understood and told him about the lamb and how she's invited him on her last crusade in Darkwoods for some reason. Y/n nodded and got ready for the crusade, grabbing his axe and empty bag, he bid farewell to his beloved cult and stood beside Sherri, ready to get some materials and kill some cultists.

As both of them leave, Check gathered up the other followers to tell them about something he wishes to do. What will they do? Guess we'll find out after the crusade... right?

At the entrance of Darkwoods stands y/n and Sherri, ready to finish one last important crusade here. Both walked in at the same time, only to be "greeted" by Leshy, Sherri's crown has an "x" over its eye and her eyes are red, unable to move while floating. Y/n wasn't doing any better, seemingly getting crushed while lifted up, his eyes go pitch black, truly unable to do or say anything this time.

Leshy: It is time Foolish Lamb, we meet in my temple, let us finish this. And you, you Foul thing.. you will die by my hands, no need to bother the others...

Once again, harshly thrown down by Leshy, y/n was tired of getting thrown around by this head of lettuce. He swears that he will find the bastard and kill him, and Sherri might help him.

What A Cult! (a male reader insert of: Cult Of The Lamb.)Where stories live. Discover now