pain :D

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Alright, first things first: I am sorry this is taking so damn long.

You ever just... physically hurt when you do something that isn't even painful? That's kinda me when writing "Celebration Time."

So, progress: It's basically almost done! Part I'm stuck at is the fuckin lemon. So.... that's a problem. The rest of the chapter is cool, I think, but uh... I ain't gonna sugarcoat it: I don't know when I'll be able to complete it.

So, I think I'll make a new book. Maybe get an idea from reading different lemons from different authors, but until then... I think I'm gonna have to put this book on hold for now.

What a way to start the new year amirite?

Thats about it then. I'll write a different book or two, then when I have more knowledge and possibly help with it, the next chapter will go up.

I genuinely can't thank you all enough for reading this book though, its amazing how far I've come with this thing... it's amazing..

Thank you all for bearing with my dumbass for this long.

I'll delete this when the next chapter goes up tho, so it'll be here until... whenever.

This is TheSpaceFanatic saying:
See ya's.

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